Dear Arts and Sciences Community,

We are posting for your comment the report of the Instructor Task Force that was established last spring. We welcome your comments on this important report and its many recommendations. Please use this webform to submit your comments. Comments made in the next month will be most helpful, but we will leave the comment page up and welcome comments as the implementation process unfolds. Implementation will take place over the coming months, guided by an implementation committee and college-wide discussions. My thanks to the Task Force members for agreeing to serve on as members of the implementation committee.

Our campus-wide visioning efforts are beginning to bear fruit. Instructors are an essential part of a modern Research 1 university such as ours, a reality that will continue into the future. Changing the culture and practice of how we incorporate instructors into the faculty of ²ÊÃñ±¦µä is an important step as we move towards being the best CU we can be now and in the future.



March 20, 2019

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