
Per , a sabbatical is a privilege granted by the university for the advancement of the university, subject to the availability of resources. A sabbatical assignment is an important tool in developing academic scholarship and is a time for concentrated professional development. It is expected that the faculty member shall use the sabbatical assignment in a manner that shall enhance their scholarly and/or teaching competence and potential for leadership and service to the university, as well as to advance the primary unit’s program goals. 

The Office of Faculty Affairs (OFA) defines a sabbatical as a research leave lasting either one or two semesters for which a faculty member must have earned six years of institutional service to apply. Information pertaining to additional sabbatical policy information can be found at the , and on the Board of Regents' website at and . 
Compensation During Sabbatical

Sabbatical Eligibility

Sabbatical Application Process Overview

Change to Sabbatical Request

Sabbatical Leave Report


Updated 10 September 2024