Published: April 25, 2016

Jeff York Wind Energy

Converging Winds: Logic Hybridization in the Colorado Wind Energy Field

CESR celebrates the publication of an academic research paper authored by Leeds Assistant Professor Jeffery G. York, Shane Faculty Scholar, in the prestigious Academy of Management Journal.

The paper,Converging Winds: Logic Hybridization in the Colorado Wind Energy Field, explores the hybridization of field-level logics. The study examines how over a 10-year period in Colorado arguments for and against wind energy eventually hybridized into the idea that wind energy was good for the economy and the environment. The concept of hybrid logics describes how we can move past partisan beliefs to collaborate and address human induced climate change.

It is the most recent of a number of studies by York on the subjects of sustainable energy sources and socially responsible business, funded in part by the Shane Faculty Scholar gift.

“Colorado presented an interesting and unique case, because there was originally strong opposition to wind energy by utilities and the government,"said York.

“However, today, everyone believes that wind energy is a great thing for our state; we wanted to understand how that happened and what explained the change over time.”
A Continuing body of Work
Converging Winds is one of a series of sustainable energy publications by Professor York.Past publications include:Pragmatic Sustainability;Exploring Environmental Entrepreneurship; andThe Co-evolution of Industries, Social Movements and Institutions: Wind Power in the United States.

“My research is aimed at understanding how and why new firms and sectors contribute to addressing climate change, “ York said.

“The emergence of industries like wind energy and green building can help us understand how we create new ventures and markets that foster economic and ecological benefits for society.”

Professor York work has published work in research journals such as theAcademy of Management Review, Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Business Venturing, Organization Science, and Strategic Management Journal. His research has won numerous awards including theAcademy of Management Organizations and the Natural Environment Emerging Scholar Awardand theNYU-Stern Conference on Social Entrepreneurship Best Paper Award.

He is a Field Editor for the Journal of Business Venturing serves on the editorial board ofStrategic Entrepreneurship JournalandEntrepreneurship Theory & Practice.