Published: Sept. 18, 2018

Club President, James Dudley, giving the rundown of planned events for the year

Club President, James Dudley, giving the rundown of planned events for the year

Similar to most business schools, Leeds has a variety of clubs where students can supplement their experience through a wide variety of opportunities. Speakers, consulting projects, treks and lunch and learn panels are just some of the ways in which clubs enrich the lives of Leeds MBA candidates. We have all the standards you would expect like the Marketing Club and Finance Club, but wait, thereā€™s more!Ģż

A ton of interest and a great turnout for the kickoff event!

A ton of interest and a great turnout for the kickoff event!

Pop quiz - who was Adam Smith? Having some trouble remembering? You probably learned about him back in your high school economics class. Still canā€™t remember? Donā€™t worry, I had to take a quick Wikipedia refresher too. For those of you who arenā€™t Jeopardy fanatics, Adam Smith was a Scottish economist and philosopher who most famously authored , considered a fundamental work in classical free market economic theory.


In his likeness, the was born in 2011 as an ā€œexpansive, chapter-based network of MBA students, professionals, and business leaders who work to promote debate and discussion about the moral, social, and economic benefits of capitalismā€ and starting this year, Leeds has its very own chapter!Ģż

At the clubā€™s kickoff event at Fate Brewing, President James Dudley and his team shared their excitement for putting a ā€œBoulder-spinā€ on activities for this upcoming year. This fall, they plan on having lively discussions with speakers on and space exploration. There are also treks to both Palm Springs and Denver focused on blockchain technology and the relationship of business and government.

Thatā€™s What They Said:Ģż
ā€œIā€™m joining this club because I don't have a focus right now and I want to explore my options in the MBA programā€Ģż
Evan Pellaux, MBA ā€˜20

ā€œI came here because itā€™s really interesting to see how free markets can help solve a lot of societyā€™s problems. I really liked Carlosā€™ pitch on impact investing and I think thatā€™s generally the way the marketā€™s headed.ā€
George Cherry, MBA ā€˜19

ā€œThereā€™s lots of value that one gains out of these type of donā€™t really get this from any of the other clubs.ā€
Sonia Prakasam, MBA ā€˜19

George Cherry, MBA ā€˜19, Chris Gronseth, MBA ā€˜19, and Carlos E. PeƱa, MBA ā€˜19 enjoying the evening

George Cherry, MBA ā€˜19, Chris Gronseth, MBA ā€˜19, and Carlos E. PeƱa, MBA ā€˜19 enjoying the evening


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