Khenpo Tsultrim Lodrö's Visit to Boulder Drew Crowds

June 15, 2015

On Tuesday April 28, Khenpo Tsultrim Lodrö presented a lecture entitled, “Liberating yaks: the vegetarian question in Tibet” in the Norlin Library, with at least 80 audience members in attendance. These included CU faculty, graduate students and quite a few undergraduates, as well as faculty and graduate students from Norlin...

CU News: "Student's Vision Becomes a 'Global Student Initiative'"

June 5, 2015

"An international affairs and Asian studies major, Dong recently launched the Global Student Initiative (GSI) in an effort to expand cross-cultural collaboration and leadership skills to students of all backgrounds at CU-Boulder and in China. The student-led organization helps foster communication and interaction between students from different places of the...

Alter's Talk on "Yoga, Nature Cure and 'Perfect' Health" Offered Insights into the History of Yoga

June 1, 2015

Joseph Alter presented a talk at the University of Colorado on April 23, 2015. His talk was titled “Yoga, Nature Cure and ‘Perfect’ Health.” Approximately, a little over 50 people attended the event. His talk offered a combination of a historical approach with some attention to an anthropological analysis of...

Annual Asian Language Night Featured Student Performances in CU's Six Asian Language Programs

May 26, 2015

Around 150 students at CU gathered on Wednesday, April 8th, to take part in the Department of Asian Languages and Civilizations’ annual event, “Asian Language Night.” There were total of 17 performances (presentations, live skits, videos, singing, dancing, fashion show) done by the students who are learning Arabic, Chinese, Farsi,...

The Department of Asian Languages and Civilizations' Two-Day Conference was a Resounding Success

May 18, 2015

The University of Colorado, Boulder’s Department of Asian Languages and Civilizations held the “Transnationalism and its Discontents: Exploring Critical Approaches to Border-space” conference from March 13th to 15th. The conference was organized with the generous support of the Department of Germanic and Slavic Languages and Literatures, the Center for Asian...

UNC Professor Kenneth Chan Gave Fascinating Analysis of Stephen Fung's Tai Chi Films, "Tai Chi Zero" and "Tai Chi Hero"

May 14, 2015

On the evening of Friday, March 6, 2015 University of Northern Colorado Professor Kenneth Chan visited campus to give a lecture titled “Steam-Punked Kung Fu: Transnational Modernity in Hong Kong Director Stephen Fung’s Tai Chi Films.” There were twenty-some audience members mostly consisting of undergraduate and graduate students as well...

Congratulations to the Spring and Summer 2015 Asian Studies Graduates

May 11, 2015

On Friday, May 8, we held our second Asian Studies commencement ceremony at which we recognized our seven Spring and Summer 2015 graduating majors, and our four Fall 2014, Spring 2015, and Summer 2015 graduating minors. In addition to receiving their diploma covers, our majors also gave presentations on their...

Congratulations to the Class of 2015!

May 7, 2015

Congratulations to the Class of 2015! The Center for Asian Studies is pleased to announce that there are seven students graduating this spring and summer with a degree in Asian Studies, as well as three students who are graduating with an Asian Studies minor. Our 2014 Graduates are: Earl Grey...

2015 񱦵 Asian Studies Graduate Student Conference a Success!

May 4, 2015

This year’s 񱦵 Asian Studies Graduate Student (CUBASGA) conference was an enormous success. The conference took place February 27th and 28th and featured two distinguished keynote speakers: Dr. Michael Emmerich of the University of California, Los Angeles and Dr. Ding Xiang Warner of Cornell University. Conference participants also included...

Introducing Carla Stansifer

April 30, 2015

Please join us in welcoming our newest staff member, Carla Stansifer! Carla not only graduated from ALC in 2000 with a M.A. in classical Japanese, but she also taught Asian art history at CU as an adjunct instructor. Her area of specialty is East Asian visual arts. After graduating from...
