GRid-Interactive Frameworks For Intelligent iNfrastructure (GRIFFIN) lab
The (GRIFFIN) lab is led by Assistant Professor Kyri Baker. The lab's research topics focus on optimization and machine learning applied to buildings and the power grid. The interactions between buildings and the grid have traditionally been very limited, but with increasing needs to decarbonize and improve energy system resiliency, these two systems must work together in tandem. For example, demand response, which can allow buildings to help the grid achieve economic, environmental, and operational goals, can be designed in a manner that has minimal negative impact on building occupants but can help buildings lower bills and decrease their carbon footprint.
The topics that members of the GRIFFIN Lab work on include, but are not limited to:
- Energy sustainability and resiliency
- Power systems operation, control, and planning
- Renewable energy integration
- Building-to-grid interactions
- Water-Energy Nexus studies
- Stochastic and distributed optimization for energy applications