Published: Jan. 14, 2019


Monday, January 14th, 2019

6:00 PM. in the DSCC - UMC 457

  1. Call to Order

  2. Roll Call

Present: Christina R., Isabelle, Helen, Julisa, Jessica, Xarly, Christina F., Skylar, Hayden, Chidera, Victor, Nickey, Isabelle, Nora, Ashley, Jemil, Sowmya

Proxies: Isabelle for Christina, Christina for Mavjuda

Excused: Mavjuda, Mitul, Niko


  1. Fun Activity :)

  1. - SIGN UP!!!!!!

  1. Open Hearing

  1. Approval of the Minutes

  1. Approval of the Agenda

  1. New Business

      1. Make sure you know when you are presenting and who you are presenting on! We will begin these presentations starting in two weeks! - Mavjuda

    1. SASA Appeal

      1. Review of Rejection

        1. Events were not successful in the past

        2. Hard to communicate with them

      2. Notes on Rebuttal Presentation

        1. Mission: Build a community of people who bring South Asian culture to life on campus. Diversifies campus and educates

        2. Sangeet Night + SASA Show

          1. Annual

          2. Showcase history and culture of the eight South Asian cultures

          3. Want to properly represent the eight countries

        3. Sangeet Night: What Went Wrong

          1. Communication

            1. Want to correct with bimonthly updates with meetings

          2. Event Management

            1. Lack organization due to need for lots of people

            2. 6:30 was supposed to start, started at 7:15

            3. Venue, the Village Center

              1. Brand new location

              2. May have been confusing for people

              3. Glenn Miller Ballroom, more centrally located

              4. Event schedule will be sent 3 weeks in advance

          3. Advertisement

            1. Social Media accounts were very active but physical advertisements needed to be more present

            2. More posters and more tabling

          4. Educational Aspect

            1. People did not know what a Sangeet was, but needed explanation

            2. The educational boards were helpful and appreciated by the public

        4. Changes to Budget

          1. Originally requested: $25,980.26

          2. No headliner - $12,000 drop

          3. Change in DJ - originally $2000, now $400

          4. Change in food - originally $8500, now requesting $1430 ($7070 drop)

          5. Beverages - $656 for chai

          6. Program Council - $2400

          7. Total requested: $6,96626

        5. Not a focus on the fashion show as in the past

        6. MCs script is written

          1. Script is prepared 2-3 weeks before the show

          2. In Sangeet there was only 3 day preparation with script

          3. Flow will be better

        7. Dropped headliner because $12,000 is a lot of money for 2 hours

        8. How is food going to be served during the event?

          1. Volunteers will be collected to organize food

          2. Food will be near the end because it interrupts the show

      3. Discussion

        1. They received feedback for prior event for Sangeet, but did not use advice

          1. Believe one person on team should be the one communicator between CEB and them

        2. Communication was good in terms of funding, but lacked in reference for updates with their event

        3. Absence of theme strengthens the show

        4. Concerned that the event has been stripped down too much

      4. Motion to look over SASA’s budget

        1. Approved

      5. Motion to Approve SASA $6,967 for SASA Show?

        1. Approved 8-1-0

    2. PLEASE TAKE POSTERS - By the end of this week, make sure that you have postered in your designated building.

      1. UMC - Helen, Nora

      2. Chem - Christina F.

      3. Business - Nickey

      4. Hellems - Xarly

      5. Humanities - Jemil

      6. Economics - Christina R.

      7. Guggenheim - Skylar

      8. Muenzinger - Victor

      9. Porter - Chidera

      10. Ramaley - Mavjuda

      11. Rec - Nico

      12. Math - Jessica

      13. Engineering - Mitul

      14. C4C - Julisa

      15. Atlas - Ashley

      16. Music - Olivia

      17. Ketchum - Sowmya

      18. Education - Isabelle

      19. Hale - Hayden

  1. Old Business

    1. MyStory Revisit

      1. Charlotte wrote: Thanks so much for this email. I so appreciated the time and energy that you all put into listening to the information I had to provide about My Story, it was so kind of you all to welcome me into your meetings and hear what I had to say. If you are looking into throwing smaller events and still want to think about My Story I just developed a new package where in I provide less mentoring and hands on assistance. Instead, you all choose 3 students, I help story mentor them, we run the event, and the next day I do an open storytelling workshop for anyone who wants to join. This package is much less involved and only costs $3500. If that is at all interesting to you or the team please let me know. Otherwise, I hope you have a restful break! You deserve it!

      2. Is this something you all want to revisit? (Need to pass/deny via a motion)

        1. Motion to Table Discussion Regarding MyStory

          1. Approved 16-0-1

        2. Bring up during retreat for new members

    2. Third Funding Cycle

      1. Breakin Club “Rockers Rumble” - Saturday, February 2nd 11:00am-11:00pm Glenn Miller Ballroom - Sowmya and Victor

        1. Update: Approval for DJ Fleg for $1,300, Judge Vendor Approval

      2. Chinese Students and Scholars Association “Chinese Lunar New Year” - February 2nd @ Lower Gym at 6pm-10:30pm - Christina F. and Ashley

        1. Update: Emailed them yesterday for updates, there was no stage invoice with no attachment.

        2. They bought decorations, but need an invoice of the purchases.

        3. Changed the say of the event from February 2nd to February 16th, still on a Saturday

        4. Need to know why they changed the date, also the date of another event: Culture Shock

      3. Vietnamese Student Association “VSA Lunar New Year Show” Feb. 9th @ Glenn Miller Ballroom at 6pm - Jessica and Xarly

        1. Update: Poster/flyer approval

          1. Send in any feedback within 24 hrs

          2. Poster will be sent tonight

      4. 񱦵 Asian Studies Graduate Association “CUBASGA Conference” February 15th Norlin Library 5th Floor: British and Irish Room Norlin Library -16th @ Hellems 247 & 252 - Niko and Jemil

        1. Update: Still communicating

      5. Sigma Psi Zeta “Culture Shock” Feb. 16th @ Glenn Miller Ballroom at 7pm- Skylar and Isabelle

        1. Update: They did not receive funding for their second headliner although they were approved. Sent email to Jamey and have not received email yet.

    3. Fourth Funding Cycle

      1. Nepalese Student Association (NSA) “Nepal Night” March 9th @ Glenn Miller Ballroom at 6pm- Hayden and Christina R.

        1. Update: Tentatively scheduled meeting for January 22 (Tuesday) at 2 PM with Jamey

        2. Thank you Christina for being on top of things!

      2. Movimiento Estudiantil Xicanx de Aztlán (MEXA) “Semana de la Muxer” March 11th-15th @ Multiple venues/times - Xarly and Julisa

        1. Update: Funding meeting has been conducted with Jamey

  2. Officer Reports

  1. Advisor

    1. No meeting next week due to MLK holiday

      1. Inclusion and Social Change has an event on MLK day, go visit!

    2. One on Ones for Officers

      1. Officers

    3. UMC Scholarships - APPLY!

      1. Email Erin with interest of the scholarship

    4. Shadowing

      1. Christina will join and shadow to learn more about CEB

      2. There will be a transition for next year

  2. Leg Council

    1. There will be another person assigned.

  3. CUSG Liaison

    1. Working on a transparency project with CUSG. Want documents to be more accessible. As a welcome back initiative, people tabled and handed out coffee. Budget season is coming up

    2. Olivia is on advising committee

      1. Would like feedback on what students see their student-advisor relationship; CAMPUS WIDE

        1. Advisors disconnected from their academic departments

          1. Can improve on knowledge

        2. Way to grade advisors (constructive criticism and rewards for advisors)

        3. Chidera talks about advising on tours, would like ways to make resources known to students

        4. Difficult to schedule with advisors, unnecessary information, changes in their departments (very temporary)

        5. Multiple advisors for some reason?

          1. People are having upwards of 3-4 advisors

        6. In Leeds Business they have a good system to schedule and communicate

        7. Reasons for meeting: advisors might not actually use the information given by students to prep for meetings (depends)

        8. Website is confusing and is difficult to operate

        9. People have to go to numerous people to talk about basic concepts

          1. Having to go to separate office for study abroad

        10. Need people to help with more than the schedule, need help with building a plan for the future

        11. Want advisors to cover more bases (scholarships, study abroad, future plans, etc.); be able to go to just one place

        12. More four-year plans, want more support to plan for future

          1. “Play your cards right”

        13. People in science departments are pre-med and do not know what classes they should be taking, need help planning a schedule that deters same classes being taken again

        14. Most scholarships last four years, advisor did not communicate that

        15. Scholarships affect your credits and the number you can take

        16. Advisors approach students with a belief they will be here for 5 years

        17. There is a lot of turnover in the advising department and pay is not good, which affects the quality and turnover

        18. Importance of degree audit

          1. People do not know how to use, but also there are people who prefer advising

  4. Webmaster

    1. Send me blurbs and photos to my email: Subject is: CEB: Pics and bio

    2. Some things to say: Year, major, where you’re from, role in CEB, when you joined CEB, why you joined CEB, how you found out about CEB, what you’re involved in on campus

      1. Can be longer and more informative than instagram's since it is the official website

      2. People can choose their headshots, Nickey will give you an ugly headshot

      3. Picture is in Webmaster folder under Headshots, choose 2-3 photos

      4. Everyone send information by Jan 17th 11:59 PM

  5. Social Media Coordinator

    1. Request for Semester Leave of Absence () From 1/28 until (tentatively) CEB Elections

      1. Reasoning: Focus on school.

      2. Proxy: Victor

      3. Notes:

      4. Exceptions:

        1. Supplementary liasioning for VSA/MEXA

          1. Not representing CEB, but as a knowledgeable peer

      5. Motion to approve semester leave of absence with the stated exceptions starting 1/28

        1. Vote: 15-0-1

      6. Motion to approve voting privileges during CEB elections at the end of the semester

        1. Vote: 0-2-13

  6. Student Outreach Coordinator

    1. 1 application for semester

    2. 2 student organizations who want funding for next semester

    3. Liaison presentation

      1. Create posters for survey-taking to post during student org events? - Nora

  7. Speakers Coordinator

    1. DSB Collaboration

      1. SW was a no, so we have sent out a hard deadline (this Friday, 1/18) to VD’s agency to see what date she’d be available for (last week in February, but may have to be in April)

        1. Will find out the answer by Friday

    2. CEB Project

      1. Keppler has presented JW as a speaker, but we as a board have been wanting to focus on non-male speakers,so thoughts? (his availability is in Feb and April, NOT March, due to director an episode of GA)

        1. JW is an amazing speaker, talented and qualified

      2. Another option Keppler brought up is a tour that is centered around mass incarceration.

        1. Info: TOUR:

        2. Would be paired with the JW event, plus 2 other people involved in the film

          1. Free of charge

        3. All people would be male identified

        4. Wait till Friday for VD answer to continue

        5. $50K

  8. Assistant Speakers Coordinator

    1. Hoping to plan a documentary screening soon, just waiting for who we bring to campus so there is relevance

    2. Suggestion of documentaries before or after, based off of confirmed speakers and TB

  9. Marketing Coordinator

    1. Reminder about recruitment

      1. Timeline

        1. Tabling: January 23rd (W) to February 1st (F)

          1. Sign up

        2. Applications are due February 3 (Sun)

        3. Review applications during meeting February 4

        4. Interview day: February 11

    2. Which day works best for retreat?

      1. February 17 (Sun)

      2. February 23 (Sat)

      3. February 24 (Sun)

  10. Secretary/Historian

    1. No updates, Sunshine faces!

  11. Chair

    1. Presentations page

    2. We will be working on the CEB Mission Statement Tuesday, January 22nd at 2pm in the CEB office. Please let me know who wants to be a part of this committee. If this time does not work for you but you would like to be a part of this meeting, please let me know!

  1. Adjourn

Adjourn at 8:42pm

Board Contact Information

  1. Ashley - (720)-345-2583 - Budgetary

  2. Xarly - (720)-629-6060 - Budgetary

  3. Christina R. - (719)-439-8356 - Budgetary

  4. Mavjuda - (720)-308-4027 - Budgetary

  5. Mitul - (720)-300-9771

  6. Nora - (303)-968-4716- Budgetary

  7. Sowmya - (201)-367-8289

  8. Chidera - (720)-364-0652 - Budgetary

  9. Hayden - (720)-254-2368 - Budgetary

  10. Helen - (650)-759-5756 - Budgetary

  11. Isabelle - (505)-414-3631

  12. Julisa - (720)-401-2625

  13. Nickey - (720)-519-6851

  14. Niko - (303)-564-3760

  15. Skylar - (719)-291-0520- Budgetary

  16. Victor - (719)-290-0886

  17. Jessica - (720)-999-1656

  18. Jemil - (720)-589-7638

  19. Christina F. - (630)- 624-1789

  20. Erin - (970)-397-9461 - Advisor