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Meeting Minutes 10/18/21

  1. Call to Order   


  1. Roll Call

    1. Present: Anuja, Teagan, Taylor, Allie, Josh, Maya, Shubham, Suvu, Inji, Bailey, Ornella (tardy)

    2. Excused: Tania, Cole, Aneesh, Jemil

    3. Absent: 


  1. Open Hearing 


  1. Approval of the Minutes


  1. Approval of the Agenda


  1. New Business

    1. Introductions- Alexis Gonzales, CSI’s new Coordinator for Cultural Programs

    2. Acting Secretary: Josh

      1. Secretaries, please remember to:

        1. Take attendance at the beginning of every meeting 

        2. Send out the meeting minutes 24 hours after every meeting with a quick summary of what we discussed included in the email.

    3. Liaison Assignments - a liaison is the point of contact (required to attend event)

      1. CU Gaming

        1. Anuja

        2. Allie

      2. Asian Studies Graduate Association

        1. Ornella 

        2. Taylor

      3. Middle Eastern Student Association

        1. Teagan 

        2. Josh

    4. Question: are SOAC and CEB the only sources of funding for student organizations at the moment, other than the individual schools’ student governments?

      1. If org gets money from CEB, can’t get money from SOAC

      2. Conversations about CEB/SOAC have been put on hold

      3. Arts and Sciences lenient about what they fund

      4. Currently can get around 3,000 to 5,000 dollars outside of CEB

      5. Can tell orgs there are other boards/govts to contact

    5. Third Funding Cycle

      1. 7:15 PM - CU Gaming “Press Start to Continue,” January 28th, 2022, 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM in Glenn Miller Ballroom

        1. Notes

          1. Copy of last semester’s event -- trying to bring in many different nerd/geek cultures (esports, tabletop)

          2. Main cost is speaking fee -- proponent of diversity in gaming

            1. Cost for speaker is all inclusive

          3. Equipment for creating media about event

          4. Advertising

            1. Table displays in UMC definitely do not cost $5,000

        2. Questions

          1. Marketing request -- how would the money be utilized?

            1. Printing 

              1. Anuja’s note: CSI Resource Center prints at cost

              2. We will need exact breakdown for posters

            2. Social media

          2. Do you actually have 3,000 members?

            1. Yes, according to Discord 

          3. Is the speaker booking her own lodging + transportation with the money allotted?

            1. Org books hotel in order to get quote -- CU Gaming to get more details

          4. Does CSI have gaff tape available? Anuja saw a note about this in the budget.

            1. Erin will check

          5. Livestream?

            1. No. Will record on put on YouTube

          6. The “casters” are alumni

        3. Budgetary Notes

          1. Please note that CEB only funds food when it is deemed necessary for the success of an event. If we do not fund your food, there are other funding sources available on campus (A&S student government, departments, etc.)

          2. $5,000 for advertising is quite a bit. For comparison, CEB usually provides $500. Please break down your advertising budget line item by line item, with quotes and documentation, by next Monday.

          3. Please make sure to provide a professional work history for each of your student casters. This could include documentation of them being hired by an outside agency for the work you expect them to do during your event.

            1. Alumni casters, so not an issue

          4. Please provide documentation for the cost of both your speaker and your casters (a screenshot of an email correspondence will suffice). 

          5. Note that CEB does not cover parking.

        4. Discussion

          1. Has been very successful in the past. Trying to include different communities. 

          2. Marketing budget of $5000 is a lot. What does it mean to advertise for non-CU communities. UMC tables not as expensive

          3. Previously denied for budgetary reasons -- a lot

        5. Budgetary Questions

          1. Please make sure to provide a line item cost breakdown of your advertising expenses. CEB usually provides $500 total for advertising.

        6. Mission Statement Alignment

          1. Motion to approve mission statement alignment for CU Gaming’s event “Press Start to Continue.”

            1. 9 - 1 - 0

      2. 7:30 PM - Asian Studies Graduate Association “2022 CU Asian Studies Graduate Association (CUBASGA) Conference,” February 19th–20th, 2022, 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM via Zoom

        1. Notes

          1. Venue is over Zoom

          2. Attendance about 100 based on last year

          3. Side note: their presentation is very pretty :)

          4. Mission: cultural diversity, mutual understanding, decolonizing epistemology

          5. Forum for original scholarship

          6. Advertising: department contact, inter university email, posters, flyers

          7. Keynote speakers’ honoraria and catering - catering necessary for bringing attendees together

        2. Questions

          1. You have listed this event as a hybrid event (on Zoom for some people and in-person for CU students). Have you booked an event space for the in-person component?

            1. Only the dinner is in person

          2. Have you decided on a restaurant yet?

            1. Almost -- talked with owner of Vietnamese 

          3. Are people attending online included in the projected event attendance? 

          4. Org can’t use other funding for dinner

            1. 40 people attending dinner, $25 per person

        3. Budgetary Notes

          1. Please note that CEB only funds food when it is deemed necessary for the success of an event. If we do not fund your food, there are other funding sources available on campus (A&S student government, academic departments, etc.)

          2. Please make sure to provide the exact amount of each selected food item, along with the prices of those food items, by next Monday (assuming your event is approved). 

        4. Discussion

          1. Seems to align based on the different topics, bringing in diversity 

        5. Mission Statement Alignment

          1. Motion to approve mission statement alignment for Asian Studies Graduate Association’s event “2022 CU Asian Studies Graduate Association (CUBASGA) Conference.”

          2. 9 - 2 - 0

      3. 7:45 PM - Middle Eastern Student Association, “Middle East Night,” February 17th, 2022, 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM in the Rec Center

        1. Notes

          1. MESA does every year, over 400 people have attended

          2. Public emcee, fashion show (every country from Middle East) -- 2018 focused on hijab, food, performances, music, henna, cater from Ali Baba’s

          3. Promote Middle Eastern culture and show beauty of it

          4. Show how many different cultures/religions/languages are in the various regions of the “Middle East,” to show how diverse it is

        2. Questions

          1. Transportation - told by Program Council

          2. Emcee - have decided on a speaker 

        3. Budgetary Notes

          1. Please note that CEB only funds food when it is deemed necessary for the success of an event. If we do not fund your food, there are other funding sources available on campus (A&S student government, departments, etc.)

          2. Please make sure to include documentation for your emcee, belly dancer, and singer by next Monday (if approved). 

        4. Discussion

          1. “Always throw amazing events”

          2. One of the most successful events funded

          3. Aligns with CEB’s mission statement by introducing a lot of cultures from different countries. Very comprehensive (fashion, food, etc.)

          4. Dismantle preconceived notions about Middle East being monolith

        5. Mission Statement Alignment

          1. Motion to approve mission statement alignment for Middle Eastern Student Association’s Event “Middle East Night”.

            1. 10 - 1 - 0

    6. DSB - help with Alex Honnold event

      1. Monday, November 1st - no meeting

      2. Needed between 5:30-5:45 PM (please prioritize classes, if you have them at this time)

      3. 10 VIP tickets available for CEB

        1. Teagan

        2. Suvu

        3. Allie

        4. Taylor

        5. Aneesh

        6. Tania

        7. Josh 

        8. Ornella

        9. Cole? Jemil? Bailey?

  2. Old Business

    1. Second Funding Cycle

      1. South Asian Student Association “Step Up CU,” December 4th, 2021

        1. Anuja and Ornella

        2. Updates: 

          1. Ornella send check-in email 

      2. Nepalese Student Association “Cultural Talent Show,” November 13th, 2021 5:30 - 9:00 PM

        1. Maya and Teagan

        2. Updates:

          1. Funding meeting with Jamey happened earlier today 

      3. CU Catalan Club “Making Traditional Catalan Panellets,” November 5th, 2021

        1. Jemil and Bailey

        2. Updates: 

          1. Liaisons are both absent

  3. Officer Reports

    1. Advisor(s)

      1. Welcome Alexis! 

      2. Cultural Food Meeting 

      3. Schedule meetings for CSI Staff

      4. One on Ones with Erin & Alexis 

      5. Halloween Events

      6. Meetings with Maya (Speaker things) and Teagan (Retreat things) this week 

      7. Don’t forget to take care of you -- a lot going on! 

    2. Leg Council

      1. Ratifications for budgetary members next week. 

    3. CUSG Liaison 

      1. Absent 

    4. GPSG Liaison

      1. No Updates

    5. Finance Board Liaison

      1. Absent 

    6. Marketing Coordinator

      1. TBD

    7. Speakers Coordinator

    8. Student Outreach Coordinator

      1. Retreat Update 

        1. UMC opens at 10 am, so we will be doing the business side of the retreat from around 10 am to 1 pm. We will have lunch in the middle as well. 

        2. UMC 425 10am this SUNDAY, OCTOBER 24th! 

        3. Paintball afterwards 

      2. Name tags??? - Erin will ask Jan about this.

    9. Assistant Speakers Coordinator

      1. TBD

    10. Webmaster

      1.  Absent 

    11. Social Media Coordinator 

      1. Pictures + Bios (name, major, something about CEB)

      2. Post about cycle

    12. Secretary/Historian

      1. TBD

    13. Chair

  4. Adjourn

    1. 8:52 p.m.