
Animals, Fetuses, and Morality (October 10, 2017)

If you’re committed to supporting animal rights, does this mean you should also be committed to supporting fetal rights? If you’re opposed to abortion, does this mean you should also be opposed to eating meat? This panel will focus on the relationship between debates about abortion and debates about animal rights and will feature two legal scholars and two theology scholars, all of whom have written about these issues. Featuring: John Berkman (Regis College), Charles Camosy (Fordham University), Sherry Colb (Cornell University), and Michael Dorf (Cornell University).


Science, Religion, and Land: the West and the Rest (October 9, 2017)

The Right Reverend Katharine Jefferts Schori, Ph.D. (Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church, 2006-2015) will explore the varied approaches of science and religion to human relationships with the land, taking both historical and planetary views, in this public lecture. This lecture will focus on western frameworks, broadly understood, yet consider how interplay with other perspectives might prompt creative adaptation, particularly in regard to land ethics.

Normalizing Dissent Poster

Normalizing Dissent: Islam, Modesty, and Feminism (October 5, 2017)

Can "religious rights" ever supersede human rights? Is the concept of "Islamic feminism" a contradiction, or can it be the intellectual genesis for a modern faith?

Lorella Zanardo Poster

The Dictatorship of the Perfect Body: Italian Women in the Media

With Lorella Zanardo Thursday, Oct 12 5:00PM in HUMN 250 Watched by millions on people, the scathing documentary "Women's Bodies" denounces the pervasive, manipulative exploitation of the woman's body in Italian TV and on the Web. In Zanardo's words, "it all started with the observation that women- real women- are...

Katharine Jefferts Schori

CWCTP to welcome one of Time Magazine's "Women Who are Changing the World": Katharine Jefferts Schori

"The day I was elected presiding bishop, after all the hullabaloo in the house of deputies when the consents were given, a man said to me, “Now, don’t you wear dangly earrings.” It just confronted his image of what was proper and appropriate." - Katharine Jefferts Schori in Times Magazine. The Right Reverend Katharine Jefferts Schori will be giving a public lecture on Monday, October 9th, entitled "Science, Religion, and Land: The West and the Rest" in Eaton Humanities 150 at 5:15 PM. She will also be speaking at a seated lunchtime event entitled "Cosmic Faith in the Anthropocene Age" on October 11th, 2017, for which a couple slots still remain (reservations are required).

Faculty Grant

GSLL Presents "The Poesy of Class" at 񱦵

GSLL Presents on October 2, 2017at 6pm in Macky 230, 񱦵 "The Poesy of Class".

Soldiers on battlefied

Is there a Trump Doctrine? (Sept 19, 2017)

With Robert Kaufman, 2017-8 Visiting Scholar in Conservative Thought and Policy. The motto of Reaganite internationalists with regard to Trump is 'trust but verify'. Any prognostication about Trump should marinate in caveats. Hope that sensible, solid advisors such as Secretary of Defense Mattis and UN Ambassador Haley bring out and sustain the better angels of Trump"s nature...Trump may turn out badly. Hillary Clinton would have.


CWCTP Summer Grant Gives Student an Alternative Path to Learning German

"My program requires that I demonstrate a foreign language proficiency by the time I complete my exams and advance to candidacy. In my research I may actually need more than one foreign language, and this can end up very costly. With the grant from the Center for Western Civilization language...

German Studies

CWCTP Language Grant Benefits Student Focusing on the Germanic Language

"This summer I received a grant from the CWCTP to study German, which has been both edifying and rewarding. My discipline (Classics) has a strong place in German intellectual history, and many of the foundational works on the various sub-fields are bound to be in German. As an undergraduate, I...

German Script

Religious Studies Student Advances in German Studies through CWCTP Grant

"With the grant from the Center for Western Civilization, Thought and Policy, I spent the beginning of the summer studying the German language for reading knowledge. This was my first foray into the German language and I found it fascinating. Having learned, in an academic sense, that English is a...
