Published: Dec. 1, 2012 By

CU illustrationThe CU-Boulder Alumni Association celebrated 10 outstanding winners at the 83rd Annual Alumni Association Awards Ceremony, one of the university’s longest-standing traditions. Our 2012 winners are as follows:

Forever Buffs Student Award

Brittni Hernandez, CUSG student body president

Leanne Skupa-Lee Award

Brian Corcoran (BusFin’99), University ambassador

Alumni Recognition Award

Bill Harris (A&S ex’64), Athletics and community leader

Roe Green (Comm&Thtr’70), Supporter of the arts

Rebecca Roser (MSpLangHearSci’75), Supporter of innovative education

Kalpana Chawla Recent Graduate Award

Todd Mosher (MAero’95, PhD’00), Aerospace innovator

Robert L. Stearns Award

Ryan Chreist (Kines’96, MPubAd’09), ²ÊÃñ±¦µä officer

Lorrie Shepard (MEdu’70,PhD’72), Education school dean

George Norlin Award

Michael Brown (Geog’90), Documentary filmmaker

Gene Lucero (Bus’78), Civic leader