Enrollment chart

First-year Enrollment at Colorado Law Largest in History

Dec. 1, 2015

Increase of 22 percent bucks national trend.

Bernie Sanders at CU-Boulder

Campus News Briefs – Winter 2015

Dec. 1, 2015

cup of coffee

Things That Keep Us Up at Night

Dec. 1, 2015

CU-Boulder researchers show the profound effects of nighttime caffeine.

Republican presidential primary

Republic(ans) of Boulder

Dec. 1, 2015

When CU-Boulder hosted October’s 2016 Republican Presidential Primary debate, CNBC’s Carl Quintanilla sat front and center.

Contenders for the Republican nomination for president prepare for debate

Now – October 28, 2015

Dec. 1, 2015

Contenders for the Republican nomination for president prepare to debate at Coors Events Center before a live audience of about 1,000.

Students running the Nearly Naked Mile

CU Around: Nearly Naked Mile

Dec. 1, 2015

On the crisp evening of Oct. 23 nearly 300 students arrived on campus clad in the plaids and flannels of fall.

Philip P. DiStefano

Q&A with the Chancellor: Philip P. DiStefano – Winter 2015

Dec. 1, 2015

The campus scheduled or hosted events this fall that included Jane Goodall, Bernie Sanders, the Dalai Lama (who had to cancel due to health reasons) and, of course, the third national Republican debate.

Kevin J. Krizek

Inquiry: Kevin J. Krizek

Sept. 1, 2015

Kevin J. Krizek, professor of transport and the new director of CU-Boulder’s environmental design program, also serves as a visiting professor of cycling at Radboud University in the Netherlands, one of the world’s most bicycle-friendly societies.


Kids, Cartoons and Junk Food

Sept. 1, 2015

CU-Boulder study finds plump cartoon characters drive kids to junk food.


Mission to Pluto: Accomplished

Sept. 1, 2015

At mission control, CU contingent shares moment of triumph
