Procedures for Requesting Extensions of Time on a Sponsored Project

These extension requests are intended to bridge a time gap between the currently authorized end date of an award and the receipt of the official award action from the sponsor. Extension requests should be submitted only after the department has accepted the risk that additional funding and/or time may not be approved by the sponsor. In such a situation, any costs incurred during the extended time are the financial responsibility of the department. Refer to the Fiscal Management of Sponsored Projects Policy and the U.S. Office of Management and Budget’s Uniform Guidance ().

Period of Performance

  • Authorized: Timeframe in which we are able to bill, invoice, draw, recognize revenue. This is the sponsor's contractual period of performance for awards.
  • Գپ貹ٱ:Period of performance for awards in which we receive incrementally authorized subsets of time. This is used when the award spans multiple years.

At-Risk Extensions

Administered by the Campus Controller's Office (CCO)
This type of extension may be requested during the life of an award when a PI anticipates a sponsor will provide official documentation of a new end date, with or without additional funding. This is a 񱦵 action only and does not involve a request sent to the external sponsor. Examples include CU as sub recipient, contracts with options, etc.

No-Cost Extensions (NCE)

Administered by the Office of Contracts and Grants (OCG)
This type of request extends the project period beyond the original project end date. As the phrase “no cost” suggests, there is no additional funding. A no-cost extension may be requested by the PI when all three of the following conditions are met:

  • The end of the project period is approaching, and
  • There is a programmatic need to continue the research or services, and
  • There are sufficient funds remaining to cover the extended effort.

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