DARE Team photo collage

DARE Team photo collage.

Science Team

Jack Burns (PI) is Professor of Astrophysics at University of Colorado (CU) and Director and Principal Investigator of the Network for Exploration and Space Science (NESS). He has 25 years of leadership experience, most recently as Vice President for Academic Affairs & Research for the CU System, which has a budget of over $2B/yr. He chaired the NASA Advisory Council's Science Committee, has received NASA's Exceptional public Service Medal, and is a Fellow of the American Physical Society and the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Burns has published more than 360 papers. He has 35 years of experience in observational radio astronomy, and performed some of the first science observations with the Very Large Array telescope. He has been a leading proponent of and worked on designs for lunar farside low frequency telescopes for over two decades. 

 is Assistant Professor at Arizona State University, following a Hubble Fellowship at Caltech. He is Principal Investigator of EDGES, the ground-based pathfinder for DARE, and is Project Scientist for the Murchison Widefield Array (MWA). He is also on the Executive Board for the Hydrogen Epoch of Reionization Array (HERA). He received the NASA Administrator's Award, Honor Award, Group Achievement Award, and two Software Awards for the Ground Data System for MER. Bowman is uniquely qualified to co-lead the DARE Calibration and Instrument Validation team. He is responsible for perfecting the DARE calibration strategy using computer modeling and ground-based precursors. He is also a member of Instrument & Data Analyses team.

Richard Bradley (Co-I) is a Scientist and Research Engineer at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory. He is an Associate Editor of the journal Radio Science and Chair of a Commission of the United States National Committee for the International Union of Radio Science. He is the co-Principal Investigator of the Precision Array for Probing the Epoch of Reionization (PAPER) project and member of the Executive Committee for LUNAR. Bradley's extensive experience in radio engineering and antenna design is utilized as the co-leader of the DARE Calibration and Instrument Validation Team. 

 is a Research Fellow at the Institute for Theory and Computation at Harvard University and the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. Dr. Fialkov is a part of the science modeling team. She will participate in all aspects of theory development for DARE science. She will work on developing models, including galaxy formation, ionization, heating and metal enrichment mechanisms. The goal would be to estimate range of astrophysical parameters relevant for DARE science.

Steven Furlanetto (Co-I) is Associate Professor at University of California Los Angeles. He is recipient of a Sloan Foundation Fellowship, a Packard Fellowship, the Bok Prize, and the Trumpler Award from the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. With over 90 published papers, he leads theoretical modeling of the redshifted 21-cm signal from the dark ages. He wrote the definitive review article on using the 21-cm signal to study reionization. As a senior member of the DARE Science Modeling team, he compares models of the star formation and black hole accretion to the observed DARE spectrum.

 is a cm and meter wavelength radio astronomer. He has been Principal Investigator of radio tracking of CASSINI. Dayton has conducted extensive research on the Space Interferometry Mission and Lunar telescope design studies at NASA's Jet Propulsion Lab. He co-leads the instrument calibration and data analysis in DARE project.

 is an Associate Professor at University of Michigan. His research interest include low frequency EM instruments in space. He is Principal Investigator of Solar Probe Plus and SWEAP. He is interested in understanding the forces that lead to solar flares and the solar wind, a stream of particles heated to millions of degrees in the Sun's atmosphere, or corona. He is also Co-Investigator of Solar Orbiter and RPW. Justin is also project scientist for LRO, CRaTER, WIND and DSCOVR. He leads the science enhancement option of DARE project in identifying solar and planetary radio transients. 

 is Professor of Astronomy and Director of the Institute for Theory and Computation at Harvard University. Previously, he was a member of the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton. He received a Guggenheim Memorial Foundation Fellowship and Kennedy Prize from the Hebrew University. Loeb has published over 340 papers and pioneered theoretical studies of the cosmic 21-cm signal that we seek to detect with DARE. Loeb is a senior member of the Science Modeling team. He leads the effort to interpret the DARE spectrum based upon a suite of models of the physics in the dark ages.

 is a Postdoctoral Scholar at University of California Los Angeles. He is part of the Science Modeling Team. Dr. Mirocha will provide assistance with DARE's signal extraction pipeline (PERSES), which he co-developed, and continue to maintain, and develop the ARES code, which will be used to constrain theoretical models of galaxy formation using DARE data.

 is a Research Associate at the University of Colorado. His research interests include experimental cosmology and low frequency radio astronomy. As a member of the EDGES team, he has extensive experience with the design, implementation, and operation of ground-based global 21-cm experiments, as well as with their calibration and data analysis. Dr. Monsalve will contribute to DARE by producing the measurement model corresponding to the foregrounds and instrument, including their uncertainties.

 is a NASA Program Senior Fellow at the University of Colorado and at NASA AMES Research Center. Dr. Rapetti will develop the mission's global 21-cm signal extraction pipeline based on a Bayesian framework and a Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) analysis, which self-consistently and simultaneously accounts for foreground and instrumental systematic uncertainties. He will also lead the use of Bayesian evidence calculations to further distinguish between the currently allowed models of the first luminous objects at end of the dark ages and beginning of the cosmic dawn as well as exotic physics impacting the 21-cm spectrum at this early, unexplored cosmic epoch.

 is a Research Astrophysicist at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. He worked as Project Scientist and Instrument Integration Leader for the WMAP space cosmology mission. For DARE, he participates in the instrumental design as well as throughout the science investigation.

 is Director of Science at NASA Ames Research Center (ARC). He was a NASA Headquarters Program Scientist for a variety of radio and infrared astronomy missions for six years. He was also on the science staff at JPL and a member of the Project Office for the Spitzer Space Telescope. He has extensive experience with radio and infrared observations of galaxies and galaxy clusters. His primary role will be to ensure that DARE receives appropriate institutional support from NASA Ames, working in collaboration with the Center's Director for Programs/ Projects. 

 is an Assistant Professor at the Centre of Astronomy of the Indian Institute of Technology, Indore. His expertise is in centimeter and meter wavelength radio observations with various telescopes like JVLA, GMRT, GBT algorithm development. His Ph.D. thesis focused on foreground removal from cosmological 21-cm observations. He participates in the calibration strategy and software pipeline development. 

 is a Senior Lecturer in Astrostatistics at Imperial College, London. Previously, he was a Hubble Fellow at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics and received his Ph.D. from Caltech. He has published over 20 papers, including some of the first theoretical research on the global 21-cm signal, making theoretical calculations of the fluctuations and constraints from experiments such as DARE. Pritchard and Loeb provided the "turning points" framework that we are considering to test with DARE. Pritchard will support the development of MCMC signal extraction code. 

 is a Research Astrophysicist at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. He brings extensive experience in observational cosmology with the PIPER and ACT/ACTPol experiments, as well as with the design of observational and analysis strategies for Intensity Mapping experiments. 

Management Team

Project Manager: Daniel Andrews, NASA Ames Research Center
Principal Investigator: Jack Burns, ²ÊÃñ±¦µä
Mission Operations Manager: Mathew D'Ortenzio, NASA Ames Research Center
Project Systems Engineer: Robert Hanel, NASA Ames Research Center
Chief Safety Officer: Steven Jara, NASA Ames Research Center
Project Scientist: Robert MacDowall, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Deputy Project Manager: Dawn McIntosh, NASA Ames Research Center
Instrument Systems Engineer: David Newell, Ball Aerospace
Spacecraft Systems Engineer: Jeremy Stober, Ball Aerospace
Observatory Manager: John Troeltzsch, Ball Aerospace