Professional communication is about inclusion. There are plenty of ways we share and communicate with people these days, website, social media and the university events calendar are a few. The content on a digital sign must also be available to access through different channels and mediums.

When designing content for your college or department, it’s important to ensure that your signage accommodates for accessibility and visual appeal. Making use of the following best practices when it comes to developing and designing your signage content will ensure that you are engaging your viewers in the best possible ways.

Make it Legible

Legible content makes it easy for people to see and understand your message at a glance, and from a distance. It’s important to keep in mind that people will be viewing your sign from at least 5-10 feet away. Here are a few tips when it comes to styling the text on your digital signage.

Large font sizes are best. Text should be large enough that it can be easily read from a reasonable distance. Test out the best font size for your design, set up a Display showing various font sizes and try reading it from various distances. 

Use Sans-Serif fonts. Sans-Serif fonts as these are the easiest to read at a glance.

Italicize wisely. Italicized text is harder to read at a glance. If you need to italicize do it sparingly, keeping to 2 words or fewer.

Pictograms and universally-accepted icons are also extremely helpful. People are used to seeing them everywhere already and know what they mean. They also take up less space in your designs, meaning that people with difficulty reading aren’t unduly challenged.

Contrast. The color of your text should be in high contrast with the background. This will ensure better readability for the visually impaired. 

°Â³ó¾±³Ù±ðÌý²õ±è²¹³¦±ð. Don't crowd the text and other elements. Provide generous margins for text, images, and other content. Crowded material tires the viewer's eye.