iPad with website wireframe

Designing Structure

Good structure makes it faster and easier for people to find what they want on your page. And it ensures they don’t miss what they’ve come for.


Tips for Selecting Great Images

It is important to use high quality photography for all university websites. Full color images are preferred, although black and white may be allowed for historic images. Choose your images carefully and remember that more is not better. Avoid using huge images that take up prime real estate on your...

students looking at camera

Tips for Taking Great Photos

The best way to keep improving is to practice often, make mistakes and be open to learning from others, whether they’re well-established photographers or newcomers to the craft.

A website with breadcrumb navigation

What is Breadcrumb Navigation?

Breadcrumbs are a secondary navigation aid that helps users easily understand the relation between their location on a page (like a course page) and higher level pages (perspective students page, for instance). The term is borrowed from the tale of Hansel and Gretel where the kids drop a trail of...

English Department website

What is Context and how does it help in site design.

In a nutshell, context allows you to create certain conditions ("contexts") that will trigger "reactions" to that context. Contexts allow a site owner to create tasks on the site that are automated that might otherwise be time consuming to do manually. For many new users and simple site builders, using...