checklist on a computer screen

Content Audit Guide and Template

4 Syllables offers great resources for site maintainers, this article explains the audit process and has an excel template you may download. Check out the related resource, How to audit big websites.

girl working on a computer

Design for Comprehension

To help readers focus on the information and experiences provided by web content, be ruthless in removing content that is unnecessary to the key purpose of the page (see Clear Purpose) and potentially distracting. It can be difficult to decide what’s extraneous clutter, so focus on content and features that...

hands on a keyboard

Writing for the Web: 6 Tips to Consider

Much research has been done on writing for the web. Here is a brief summary of the top things you need to consider: People often want the "nuts and bolts" information, not essays. Use simple language so users can quickly understand the content. Be brief! You do not have to...

Nine tips for writing great headlines

Tips for Writing Headings

Good headings help users quickly understand what’s on the page. They make content look more inviting. Nothing puts users off faster than a wall of text. Organize content with headings Group related paragraphs and label them with a sub-heading State the central topic in the main heading Ensure your main...

Web page mock up with "not" sign over a layout table

Freeing your content from tables used for layout

Layout tables are not accessible but reformatting them by copying and pasting, cell by cell the content is pure drugery. Here is an easy way to separate content from its table formatting.

hands on keyboard

Inverted Pyramid: Writing for Comprehension

We love Nielsen Norman Group articles, this article is great for web communicators who want site visitors to not miss the important information on their site.