Applied Learning Projects



  • :Geared towards students the library includes many resources including a project planning template and a project planning resources library
  • Seven design elements to help you design your project.
  • Practices that can help you integrate project based learning into your classes.
  • This guide provides a step-by-step framework for how a program for applied learning for sustainability can be designed, launched, and scaled.

Best Practices

  • Make contacts with staff as early as possible.(Not waiting until “last minute” to contact staff.
  • Have requests for data that are well thought out. Ask for specific data.
  • Take the project seriously and give it enough time and attention in order for it to be useful to staff and the campus community.
  • Make contacts with staff as early as possible.
  • Coordinate with staff before the syllabus is finalized so that staff have plenty of time to plan and prepare for lectures/tours etc. and so that they can provide input on needed or applicable projects.
  • Include projects that can be completed in one semester or that can be carried out the following semester so that projects do not go unfinished.
  • Assigning projects that have staff input, coordination and guidance so that there aren’t requests for brainstorming and project generation from many students to the same staff.
  • Providing adequate oversight when students are working “in the field” during class time on a project.
  • Consistent communication with staff and students.
  • Setting expectations for a high quality deliverable.
  • Responding to faculty/student communication in a timely fashion.

Past Projects

  • Indoor air quality monitoring in dorms
  • Campus Building resilience study
  • NH Museum collections protocol
  • Air quality testing in Bear Creek Apartments
  • Energy Conservation research with the Rec Center
  • PWR classes creating Green Labs outreach campaigns
  • Dining Services behavior research studies – plastic bags to Chico reusable bags to no bags
  • Local and Natural food definitions research for Dining Services
  • Food additives research project
  • Developing Xeric planting identification visuals for use with English as Second Language grounds staff
  • Designing and installing a pollinator-friendly beautifying pedestrian landscape
  • A campus mosquito control project
  • ENVD students designed a pop-up community parklet
  • Emerald Ash Borer monitoring
  • Electric vehicle inventory database development
  • Redesigning parking lots on campus and on the hill
  • Redesigning congested Bike/ped path outside Fiske
  • CU Bus Tracker App
  • Recycling research project with athletics
  • Measuring behavior changes from altering recycling signage on campus
  • Campus food packaging/waste study
  • Educational outreach campaign on composting

Conceptual Projects

  • Energy use studies in residence halls
  • LEED v4 – Energy Star portfolio manager campus building data update
  • Creating and conducting user surveys
  • Educational displays research – what works
  • Graphic Design – rebranding, signage, artwork, infographics
  • Communications campaigns
  • New product research - custodial, pesticide etc
  • Insect pest studies, monitoring and sampling
  • ISLE certification update for grounds
  • Grounds innovations outreach/promotion campaign plan and materials
  • Campus lighting and night safety studies
  • Student representation on the Safer Pathways Committee
  • Dismount Zone studies
  • Waste stream contamination studies
  • Waste audits