Zo Turner

Zo Turner

May 1, 2024

Zo Turner's advice for other students is to stay curious: the more you ask questions and embrace a sense of childlike wonder, the more rewarding and expansive this program will become. She'll be graduating with a dual-degree in product design and creative technology & design.

Zoe Camp portrait

Zoë Camp

May 1, 2024

Distinguished graduate Zoë Camp will graduate with a B.EnvD in product design. During her time at CU, she raced downhill for CU’s Cycling Team, participated in ENVD’s six week design-build studio in Medellín, Colombia, worked as a graphic designer at the CU’s Environmental Center and stayed heavily involved in Boulder’s cycling community.

PACES outreach award group shot

ENVD Assistant Professor Jota Samper and Teaching Assistant Professor Valeria Henao present at the PACES Outreach Awards Luncheon

April 29, 2024

On Wednesday, April 24, the Office for Public and Community-Engaged Scholarship (PACES) held an Outreach Awards Luncheon where Assistant Professor Jota Samper, Phd, and Teaching Assistant Professor Valeria Henao were able to present on their on-going work in Medellín, Colombia.

Talissa Brownell

Talissa Brownell

April 24, 2024

Distinguished graduate Talissa Brownell will earn a B.EnvD specializing in architecture with a Lighting Design Certificate. For Talissa, every favorite memory from ENVD includes the best friends she's been inseparable from since freshman year.

Chip Grad Feature Portrait

Submit a grad feature

April 18, 2024

Environmental Design is excited to showcase its graduates! Share your accomplishments and experience.

Printed coloring book

Coloring impact, disrupting mining industry influence on Canadian education curricula

March 6, 2024

Canada is notorious for its scenic old-growth forests, mouthwatering maple syrup, fervent enthusiasm for ice hockey and notably amiable people. But Canada also boasts a lesser-known aspect that is just as deeply ingrained in its culture and history: its expansive and extractive mining industry. “What it Takes: an all-ages colouring book” is designed to disrupt the grip that Canada’s mining industry has on culture and education.

Dylan Dybedahl-West

Farewell, Congratulations, Dylan Dybedahl-West

Feb. 9, 2024

Congratulations to Dylan Dybedahl-West! He has accepted a new position on campus as the Director of Strategic Initiatives in the Office of Enrollment Management.

Infinity symbol


Jan. 17, 2024

We’ve rounded the corner to another new year and should be reminded that time is possibility and that the cyclicality of beginning and ending is deeply attached to perception and cultural norms. All of these tools give us space to build our own approach to that which is new, taking into account what has passed, what might come, and what our observations, perceptions, and expectations tell us. So how do we harness the idea of transition as a framework?

2023 Open House

For the win: A semester worth celebrating

Dec. 19, 2023

At the end of each fall semester, Environmental Design (ENVD) hosts a building-wide exhibition of design and research produced by students and faculty.

Green is the New Asphalt: Landscape Architecture Students Redesign Green Schoolyards in Fall Studio

Green is the New Asphalt: Landscape Architecture Students Redesign Green Schoolyards in Fall Studio

Dec. 15, 2023

Sticky metal playgrounds and hot asphalt. Bare patches of dirt on browning soccer fields. Limited shade with no space for solitude and quiet. A small cluster of trees - sometimes. This is what tends to come to mind when we think about a typical schoolyard. Soon, however, six Boulder Valley School District (BVSD) schoolyards may receive a green makeover.
