Welcome: Alexis

Aug. 23, 2021

It it my pleasure to welcome Alexis Katrina Palau as the first Undergraduate Research Student of the ROCC Lab. Alexis will be following in Kelly's footsteps for the development of Constrained Control Laws for Safe Human-Robot Interactions . Althought the project does have a steep learning curve, Alexis is definetly...

Human Robot Interaction Experiment

ERG for Safe Human Robot Interaction

Jan. 18, 2021

This video is represents a significant milestone in Kelly Merckaert 's research on safe Human-Robot Interaction. The control laws used in these experiments were developed during Kelly's 6-month research internship at ²ÊÃñ±¦µä, although their implementation on a physical robot had to wait for her to return to the BruBotics...

Constrained control of a robotic manipulator experiment

ERG for Robotic Manipulators

Nov. 2, 2020

This video, titled "The Explicit Reference Governor for Real-Time Safe Control of a Robotic Manipulator" was presented at the 2020 IROS Workshop: Bringing constraint-based robot programming to real-world applications . These experimental results showcase the interest in implementing an Explicit Reference Governor for real-time constratined control of robotic manipulators and...

Farewell: Kelly & Bryan

July 31, 2019

Please join me in wishing farewell to Kelly Merckaert and Bryan Convens , who have successfully completed their six-month research stay here in ²ÊÃñ±¦µä. Kelly and Bryan did an amazing job on their respective research projects and somehow managed to also squeeze in a few hikes and ski trips...

Welcome: Kelly & Bryan

Feb. 1, 2019

It is my great pleasure to host Kelly Merckaert and Bryan Convens for a six-month research stay here in ²ÊÃñ±¦µä. Kelly and Bryan conducted their master thesis under my supervision, back when I was still a graduate student at the Université Libre de Bruxelles . I find it fitting...