2022 Teaching Excellence Awards

May 8, 2022

We are pleased to announce the winners of the 2022 Teaching Excellence Awards! Click on each person below to learn more about them and their teaching philosophy.

Teaching Spotlight - Phurwa Dhondup

May 8, 2022

Phurwa is a 2nd year PhD student studying Geography. His research focuses on political ecology and more-than-human geographies of caterpillar fungus in Dolpo, Nepal to examine the processes of state making, Indigeneity and multispecies world-making in the high Himalaya. Phurwa was recently awarded a Teaching Excellence Award based on his...

Teaching Spotlight - Georgia Butcher

May 8, 2022

Georgia is a 3rd year PhD student studying Cultural Anthropology. Her research focuses on military drone pilot experience with a focus on how remote war impacts understandings of surveillance and the automation of war and work. Georgia was recently awarded a Teaching Excellence Award based on her teaching philosophy and...

Teaching Spotlight - Gentry Ragsdale

May 8, 2022

Gentry is a 1st year PhD student studying Music Education. Her research focuses on access and inclusion in music education and the use of Culturally Responsive Pedagogy to encourage students to feel both included and accepted. Gentry was recently awarded a Teaching Excellence Award based on her teaching philosophy and...

Teaching Spotlight - Hunter Thompson

May 8, 2022

Hunter is a 4th year PhD student studying Communication. His research focuses on how rhetorical contexts shape texts and people’s perception of texts. Hunter was recently awarded a Teaching Excellence Award based on his teaching philosophy and dedication to his students. We asked Hunter a few questions to learn more...

Teaching Spotlight - Jayne Simpson

May 8, 2022

Jayne is a 4th year PhD student studying Communication. Her research focuses on decision making and stakeholder management in organizations. Jayne was recently awarded a Teaching Excellence Award based on her teaching philosophy and dedication to her students. We asked Jayne a few questions to learn more about her as...

Executive Updates - September 29

Sept. 29, 2021

To our graduate and professional colleagues, Please see below for a weekly update from the Graduate and Professional Student Government, which you should also be receiving from your department representative or college senator. Upcoming events and opportunities: GPSG meetings Assembly Meetings - Tuesdays 6:30pm Engagement Team - Tuesdays 4pm Executive...

Executive Updates - September 8

Sept. 8, 2021

To our graduate and professional colleagues, We hope you had a safe and relaxing Labor Day weekend. Please see below for a weekly update from the Graduate and Professional Student Government, which you should also be receiving from your department representative or college senator. Upcoming events and opportunities : GPSG...

Teaching Excellence Spotlight - Paige Massey

Aug. 30, 2021

Paige Massey is a third year PhD student studying Philosophy. Her research focuses on epistemology—the study of knowledge and rational belief—with particular interests in evidentialism and issues related to the ethics of belief more broadly; she has secondary research interests in ethics, especially the effective altruism movement. Paige was recently...

Teaching Excellence Spotlight - MarĂ­a J. RuĂ­z-MartĂ­nez

Aug. 30, 2021

MarĂ­a J. RuĂ­z-MartĂ­nez is a fifth year PhD student studying Education. Her research sits at the intersection of education, ethnic studies, and linguistics and examines how diasporic translingual youth use visual culture production to learn and teach across home, school, and community contexts. MarĂ­a was recently awarded a Teaching Excellence...
