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Graduation deadlines for spring 2024

Graduation deadlines for spring 2024

Graduate students, mark your calendars for these approaching graduation deadlines for spring2024


Feb.1(Preferred Deadline)​

Master's students are requested to submit to the Graduate School a.Students in a BAM or dual program are asked to meet this deadline. Applications follow a workflow process and must be approved by the academic department before they are directed to the Graduate School.


March 1

Graduate students mustapply online to graduatethroughon the “apply for graduation” card in order tohave the degree awarded in May.This is required whether you plan to attend the university-wide ceremony or not.PhD students must enter their dissertation title as part of the online graduation application; you may update the title through the portal until this date.This title will appearon your transcript after your degree is awarded.

March 1 (Final Deadline)

​Master's students who have not done somust submit to the Graduate School a.Applications follow a workflow process and must be approved by the academic department before they are directed to the Graduate School.


April 1

Graduate students who plan to have their degrees awarded in Augustbut would like to be listed in the commencement program mustapply online to graduatethroughon the “apply for graduation” card.PhD students must also enter their dissertation title as part of the graduation application.Though you plan to participate in aMay ceremony, please select Augustas the semester of graduation if that is when your degree will be awarded.

April 9

Doctoralstudents must complete the PhD dissertation defense or doctoral final examination by this date.Notice of the examination must be provided to the Graduate School using thedoctoral final examination formtwo weeks before the exam.

April 16

PhD students mustsubmit the dissertationwith Thesis Approval Form to ProQuest by this deadline. The dissertation must befor review and approval by Graduate School staff by the end of the business day. Thesingle-pageThesis Approval Form(TAF) must be uploaded as a supplemental file with the dissertation in order for the submission to be complete.Students whose dissertationsare received after this deadline, or those not submitted with the TAF,must apply to graduate at the following semester'scommencement.

April 16

PhD and DMA students must fill out theby this deadline..

April 16

Master's students must complete the thesis defense or final examination by this date.Notice of the examination must be provided to the Graduate School using themaster's final examination formtwo weeks before the exam.Certain units do not require an exam for non-thesis students.Please contact your department with any questions.

April 22

Doctoral grade changes must besubmitted for incomplete courses taken during previous or current semesters.

April 23

Master's thesis plan students mustsubmit the thesisand Thesis Approval Form to ProQuest by this deadline. The thesis must befor review and approval by Graduate School staff by the end of the business day. Thesingle-pageThesis Approval Form(TAF) must be uploaded as a supplemental file with the dissertation in order for the submission to be complete.Students whose dissertationsare received after this deadline, or those not submitted with the TAF,must apply to graduate at the following semester'scommencement.

April 28

Doctoral students must update diploma name or addressin Buff Portal by this date if necessary.

April 29

Master’s grade changes must besubmitted for incomplete courses taken during previous semesters.


May 31

Master’s students must update diploma name or addressin Buff Portal by this date if necessary.