Students sitting on beds in dorm room with cu boulder gear

Whether your student is roommates with their best friend or someone they just met this year, chances are they’re going to hit a few bumps throughout the semester. The truth is conflict between roommates is totally normal. However, when conflict gets out of hand, it can affect our emotional and physical wellbeing. From small skirmishes to major issues, there are resources available on campus that can help. Here are some steps your student can take to address roommate problems while they’re living on campus.

#1 Talk with their roommate

Encourage your student to talk with their roommate. It seems obvious but talking with your roommate is always the first step when it comes to resolving issues. Remind them to always talk about issues in person. Sending messages over text, social or through a note can often cause more problems because we never know how the other person will receive it.

#2 Talk with their RA

If your student has talked to their roommate but they are still having issues, encourage them to talk with their RA. They’ll be able to mediate conversations and provide a neutral perspective on any problem areas. RAs can also provide information on additional campus resources that may be able to help.

#3 Talk to the hall director

If your student’s RA has tried to help resolve the conflict but issues are continuing to escalate, encourage your student to reach out to their Hall Director. They may be able to provide additional problem solving strategies and discuss the possibility of relocating to a different room if your student wants to consider moving. Information about how to contact their Hall Director can be found at the Community Center front desk in each residence hall.

#4 Visit Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution

Students can access support on campus through a number of services. Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution provides a number of free services for students, including, conflict coaching, conflict management consultations, mediation services, facilitated dialogues, support with roommate relationships and more.

#5 Reflect on their experience for the future

If your student hasn’t had a positive roommate experience this past year, remind them to reflect on what went well, what didn’t go well and what they might do differently in the future. Thinking through their experience will help them in their search for housing next year, whether they decide to live on or off campus.

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