Person packing a suitcase

How to stay healthy when traveling

Break is just around the corner and for some of us that means travel. Whether you’re heading out of town by car, bus, train or plane, there are a few things you should keep in mind to stay healthy when traveling. Sleep Between jumping time zones and hauling luggage, travel...

person under a blanket

Should you work out when you're sick?

You just worked out all of the kinks in your workout routine and now…you’re sick. What do you do? Do you sweat through it or forsake the gym for a much-needed nap? Follow these tips.

Student jogging

5 ways to fend off the flu

Viruses like the flu can last 7 to 10 days, meaning symptoms like a stuffy nose, body aches, fatigue and a sore throat stick around, it's all about staying as healthy as possible.

sick pug on a couch

5 Steps to Staying Healthy This Spring

Viruses such as the flu and common cold can last 7–10 days, meaning symptoms like a stuffy nose, body aches, fatigue and a sore throat stick around for a while. Since antibiotics typically don’t work for viruses, it’s all about staying as healthy as possible.