Creating an effective performance management program is a key component in helping support, develop, and retain our talented employees. The final performance evaluation meeting is an opportunity for the supervisor and employee to have a collaborative dialogue regarding job performance, areas in which the employee is excelling, areas for improved growth, alignment to department and university mission and goals, and opportunities for professional development. It is essential to connect an employee’s performance to how it impacted and enhanced the department’s objectives, in addition to the University’s mission throughout the year. When documenting performance, it is imperative to give specific and comprehensive examples of performance, delineating why and how an employee’s behaviors, impact, and unique value have contributed to their final score. 

End-of-Cycle Performance Review 

The end-of-cycle performance review involves a mandatory meeting between each employee and their supervisor. This meeting consists of a review and discussion of: 

  • All relevant performance data accumulated throughout the evaluation period 
  • Employee’s performance on goals and competency areas 
  • Completion of required and optional training 

Note that the supervisor does not provide the employee with a performance rating at the final review meeting since the final rating has not been approved by the reviewer. 

During the Evaluation Period:

  • Cornerstone Task launched: August 1
  • Self-evaluation (you and employee)
  • Employee's performance goals and competencies inputted
  • Calibration exercise
  • End of performance review--individual goal scores and overall score for employee needed from the entire year
  • End of performance review meeting
  • Evaluations due by September 15


  • Calibration article
  • OFA Articles
  • Rating Descriptors
  • Definitions of the Rating Scale and Core Competencies with Key Behaviors
  • Mitigate Bias for Performance Management Document
  • Self Evaluation Document, Calibration Process Document
  • How to give and receive Feedback

Recommended Trainings:

System Administration will send applicable reporting to the State of Colorado for all CU classified staff based on information in PeopleSoft HCM and collection from campus HR