Published: June 11, 2010

Consort2The Boulder Renaissance Consort is celebrating its 30th anniversary with a concert that features “Something Old, Something New.”

Three former members of the group are returning to perform two of the “old,” previously performed pieces on the program, Palestrina’s “Sicut cervus” and Isaac’s “Tota pulchra.” Other selections from past repertoire include English love madrigals and a set of the consort’s own arrangements of the original medieval “Carmina Burana.”

For “Something New,” the consort has chosen French chansons, Italian madrigals and dances, a Banchieri motet, and a capriccio by Cima.

Date: Saturday June 26, 2010

Time: 7:30 p.m.

Venue:Ěý Atonement Lutheran Church, 685 Inca Parkway, Boulder

Admission:Ěý $15, students and seniors $12.

For more information: 303-818-5907