Published: May 11, 2015
James Holmes apartment image

FBI bomb expert Christopher Rigopoulos discussed incendiary devices on Day 10 of the James Holmes trial.

Prosecutors have suggested that the devices investigators found in James Holmes’ apartment were not only incendiary devices, but an intricate chain reaction designed to explode. In fact, Rigopoulos says there were three different ways that these devices could be set off: from yanking the dfront oor, from a remote control connected to the remote control car which was placed near the Dumpster outside and from another remote control (placed near a plant on an inside table) which when pointed at a “launch control receiver.” Heat from “pickle jars” containing napalm would have risen to 4,000 degrees Farenheit, according to Rigopoulos.

Some jury members asked questions, which helped clarify the complex setup investigators found at Holmes' apartment.