Published: June 22, 2015



You may have heard about the five jurors who have been dismissed from the Aurora theater shooting trial.

The first three were let go in bulk because two of them overheard another having a speakerphone conversation with her husband about the case.

The fourth, Juror 901, was dismissed because the defense didn’t like the fact that her brother-in-law was the victim of a violent crime in Denver.

The fifth knew one of the witnesses who had been in the theater that night.

It was a surprise to see 901 quietly show up in the back row of the gallery as a member of the public last Thursday. She was brave enough to sit there again on Friday. This is despite the fact that one of her fellow jurors, who is still sitting, reported bumping into her in the bathroom. This is despite the fact that at the end of court each day, Judge Carlos Samour points her out and reminds other jurors not to take calls from her. It’s legal for her to be there as a member of the public.

A bit about her: She’s a graduate student at the University of Denver’s Korbel International School. She applied for a FBI special agent position and was not accepted. She doesn’t watch the news. White. In her 30s.

She’s brave. I know how addicting this trial is, and can’t blame her for having a hard time shutting it off.

There’s speculation she is writing a book. She is writing something back there, but one person says she’s doing Sudoku puzzles.

About five journalists rode down the elevator with her the other day. She looked very uncomfortable and busted out of there as soon as the doors opened.

Court will not be in session until Thursday when the defense starts it case. I wonder if we’ll see her again.