Published: Feb. 15, 2017

La Istorya Cudia para Los Eskolaryos (Jewish History for Scholars), by Nisim Behar (Istanbul: Güler Basimevi, 1957)

La Istorya Cudia para Los EskolaryosThe Mazal collection includes hundreds of volumes on Jewish history covering an incredible range of topics. Of particular interest are the many publications produced by or about Jewish communities in the eastern Mediterranean, especially Turkey and Greece, where Harry Mazal’s own family originated. In this rare book written in Turkic Romanized Ladino, Nisim Behar, a prolific author, an expert on Jewish law and history, and one of the foremost educators of Turkish Jewry, presents Jewish history for schoolchildren "from the creation of the world to the death of Moses the Legislator," as the subtitle reads. Appearing in 1957 in Istanbul, a center of Ladino publishing, Behar spent the second half of his life in Israel where he passed away in 1990 at age 77. The Mazal collection includes dozens of books in Turkic Romanized Ladino and many others on the history of the Jews of Turkey produced in Turkish.