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The Embedment of a Knowledge Management Program in an AEC Organization

This paper examines the embedment of a knowledge management (KM) program within an individual global engineering organization, Fluor Corporation (Fluor). Although many knowledge management initiatives fail, the program established by Fluor achieved increasing legitimacy and became a taken-for-granted practice over time. This paper examines the process of embedment by analyzing the changing use of the program through participant quotes. In addition, it identifies factors that contributed to the ongoing use and embedment of the KM program in Fluor's operations. These include the alignment of the program with Fluor's culture, the continued maintenance and ease of use of the program, social influence factors, and external changes that together evolved the KM program into a well-used, award-winning program around the world. This case study offers the rare opportunity to investigate a KM program that has been established in the AEC sector for almost a decade and offers insights and suggestions to firms seeking to implement knowledge management programs in the industry today.

Javernick-Will, A. (2010). “.â€Â Construction Research Conference. Banff, Canada. doi: 10.1061/41109(373)70