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Scott gave a talk at the Max Planck Institute for Ornithology

Max Planck

Scott recently visited (virtually) the Max Planck Institute for Ornithology in Seewiesen, Germany, to give a talk about some of the lab's recent projects. Scotts talked focused on Erik's new work on redpoll supergenes (in collaboration with Dr. Nick Mason at LSU) and the work that Scott, Georgy, and Dom are collaborating on with Dr. Vladimir Pravosudov (UNR) and Dr. Carrie Branch (Cornell Lab of O) exploring the genomic regions related to spatial cognition in mountain chickadees. Although an in-person visit would have been preferable, connecting with other ornithologists during this time of isolation was awesome (even if giving a talk at 7am isn't ideal). 

Thanks to  from  for the invite!