Dan Baker Portrait

Daniel Baker

Distinguished Professor • Director - Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics
Dr. Baker is active in the space research and space weather communities. As co-investigator, coauthor, or co-presenter, he has collaborated with nearly 200 space research professionals since 1999.
Jack Burns Portrait

Jack Burns

Professor Emeritus - Astrophysical & Planetary Sciences
Research Interests: My research focuses on extragalactic astronomy and cosmology; observations of active galaxies and galaxy clusters using radio interferometers, optical telescopes, and x-ray satellites; supercomputer numerical simulations of astrophysical jets and large scale structures in the universe; and, design of next-generation observatories in space and on the Moon. I direct the Lunar University Network for Astrophysics (LUNAR), a multi-university center of excellence funded by the NASA Lunar Science Institute...
Scott Diddams Portrait

Scott Diddams

Professor - Electrical, Computer & Energy Engineering
Research Interests: My main area of research relates to the development of laser and parametric optical frequency combs and their application to optical atomic clocks, tests of fundamental physics, trace gas sensing, astronomical spectroscopy, and ultralow noise frequency synthesis. A particular emphasis is understanding and pushing the technical and fundamental measurement limits of these systems. Additionally, I am interested in the physics and technology of ultrafast lasers, including the generation...
Juliet Gopinath Portrait in front of the flatirons

Juliet Gopinath

Professor - Electrical, Computer & Energy Engineering
Andras Gyenis

András Gyenis

Assistant Professor - Electrical, Computer & Energy Engineering
Before joining ²ÊÃñ±¦µä as an assistant professor in electrical engineering, Andras Gyenis received his PhD in physics at Princeton University in 2016, investigating the surface and bulk properties of unconventional superconductors, strongly correlated electronic systems, and topological materials using ultra-low temperature scanning tunneling microscopy. He continued as a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Electrical Engineering at Princeton, focusing on the design, fabrication, and measurement of superconducting quantum circuits...
Nils Halverson Portrait

Nils Halverson

Professor - Astrophysical and Planetary Sciences
Research Interests: Professor Halverson works in experimental cosmology, including observations of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) and mm-wave instrumentation development efforts. His previous experience at Caltech, Chicago, and Berkeley has been in mm-wave studies of the CMB, including measurements of CMB temperature and polarization anisotropy with DASI (Degree Angular Scale Interferometer), and development of the APEX-SZ galaxy cluster survey instrument. His current interests include Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect galaxy cluster surveys and...
Andrew Hamilton Portrait

Andrew Hamilton

Professor - Astrophysical and Planetary Sciences
Research Interests: I am interested in Relativity, Cosmology, and Astrophysics. If you want to learn more about what I do, please visit my website . Selected Publications: For a list of Professor Hamilton’s latest publications visit https://jila.colorado.edu/hamilton/publications/scientific/year
Mahmoud Hussein Portrait

Mahmoud Hussein

Professor - Aerospace Engineering
Michael McGehee Portrait

Michael McGehee

Professor - Chemical and Biological Engineering
Orit Peleg Portrait

Orit Peleg

Associate Professor - Computer Science
Research Interests Orit Peleg seeks to understand the behavior of disordered living systems by merging tools from physics, biology, engineering, and computer science. Peleg draws from a multidisciplinary background; she received a B.S. in physics and computer science and an M.S. in physics from Bar-Ilan University in Israel. She completed her Ph.D. in material science at ETH Zurich, where she began modeling competitive interactions in biophysical systems. Dr. Peleg used...
Rafael Piestun Portrait

Rafael Piestun

Professor - Electrical, Computer, and Energy Engineering
Research Interests: The research in Dr. Piestun's group deals with the control and processing of optical radiation at two significant spatial and temporal scales: the nanometer and the femtosecond. Interest in this area arises from the existence of new phenomena occurring at these scales and the fascinating applications in new devices and systems. Current challenges in sensing, imaging, communications, energy conversion, and computing provide a continuous motivation for this work...
Sean Shaheen Portrait

Sean Shaheen

Professor - Electrical, Computer & Energy Engineering
Research Interests: We carry out research in a variety of areas aimed at advancing solar energy harvesting, developing new optoelectronic materials and devices, and studying fundamental processes in biological systems. The central mission of our work is to find creative and insightful solutions to scientific problems both basic and applied, using a combination of experimental research and computational simulation to guide our efforts. Publications: For Professor Shaheen's recent publications, please...
Michael Toney Portrait

Michael Toney

Professor - Chemical and Biological Engineering