The Outdoor Experience (OE) Coordinator(s) bring the physical health part of leadership to the PLC program. Physical health is as important and mental wellness, academic achievement, soft skill aptitude, professional development, etc. This team collaborates with other student staff teams to incorporate physical wellness and the experience of being in nature into other pillars of the program. The OE coordinators have a very active job, leading a minimum of 4 events a semester for all levels of experience. This position requires considerable travel, activity, and research. It is required of this position to focus on increasing access and diversity in outdoor recreation. All students in the community must feel able to take part in one or more trips per semester no matter experience or ability. Pay rate = $2500/academic year. Below are examples of experiences based on a common Colorado ski spectrum (green, blue, black).

  • Easy activities such as picnics, short hikes and scenic drives
  • Moderate activities such as steeper hikes and camping trips
  • Hard activities such as runs, long hikes, and multi-day camping trips
  • Double Black - The hardest activities such as summiting 14ers and backpacking trips