Estimating The Sea Level Contribution Of Glaciers In High Mountain Asia Using GRACE

Dorsi , Samuel W 1 ; Nerem , Steven 2 ; Chambers , Don 3 1 Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences - University of Colorado 2 Colorado Center for Astrodynamics Research - University of Colorado 3 Center for Space Research - University of Texas The great mountain ranges of...

Role Of Desorption Kinetics And Porous Medium Heterogeneity In Colloid-Facilitated Transport Of Cesium And Strontium: Preliminary Results

Dittrich , Timothy M 1 1 University of Colorado-Boulder The presence of mobile colloids (particles between 1 nm and 1 µm in size) in natural soil and groundwater systems has been well established. Colloids generally have a high sorptive capacity resulting from their high surface area to mass ratio, which...

Using Wavelet Analysis To Investigate Statistical Properties In Hydraulic Conductivity Fields And Hydraulic Head Fields

Dillin , Matt 1 ; Neupauer , Roseanna M 2 1 University of Colorado 2 University of Colorado Wavelet analysis involves an integral transform of, for example, a hydraulic conductivity field, using a wavelet as the kernel of the transform. A wavelet is a function that is non-zero only over...

Global Distribution Of Deltas And Implications For An Ancient Ocean On Mars

Di Achille , Gaetano 1 ; Hynek , Brian M. 2 1 Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics, University of Colorado 2 Department of Geological Sciences, University of Colorado Terrestrial marine deltas are among the most typical coastal landforms on Earth. They exhibit a large diversity of morphology as a...

Application Of Distributed Fiber-Optic Temperature Sensing To Study Surface/Groundwater Interactions In A Mountain Catchment

Cowie , Rory 1 ; Williams , Mark 2 ; Anderson , Suzanne 3 1 University of Colorado, Dept. of Geography and INSTAAR 2 University of Colorado, Dept. of Geography and INSTAAR 3 University of Colorado, Dept. of Geography and INSTAAR Future changes in climate will generally limit water availability...

Fluorescence Properties Of Dissolved Organic Matter (DOM) Produced By A Mixotrophic Dinoflagellate *Alexandrium Fundyense*

Cawley , Kaelin 1 ; McKnight , Diane 2 1 University of Colorado at Boulder 2 University of Colorado at Boulder Algae have been shown to release DOM during growth. Further, DOM from algal sources has been shown to have distinct chemical properties when analyzed with spectral techniques. At the...

Cartographic Models To Characterize Changes In Fluvial Landscapes

Bock , Andrew 1 1 University of Colorado - Department of Geography Because of their structure and function, riparian areas occupy a unique position in the landscape, as they are subject to change over time in response to geomorphic and hydrologic factors and are important pathways for flows of energy...

Fluorescence And Disinfection Byproducts: Applications In The Drinking Water Field

Beggs , Katherine 1 ; Summers , R. Scott 2 ; McKnight , Diane 3 1 University of Colorado at Boulder 2 University of Colorado at Boulder 3 University of Colorado at Boulder Dissolved organic matter (DOM) has been identified as the primary carbon precursor in DBP formation. Though much...

Supraglacial Lake Volumes On The Jakobshavn Isbrae

Adler , John 1 1 CIRES In contrast to Antarctica, water runoff constitutes approximately half of Greenland's annual ice loss, with iceberg calving contributing the other 50%. In the Jakobshavn Isbrae region, the melt water from dozens of supraglacial lakes will ultimately flow into the ocean as runoff, which can...

A Radar-Based Climatology Of High Precipitation Events In The European Alps: 2000-2008

Rudolph , James V 1 ; Friedrich , Katja 2 ; Germann , Urs 3 1 University of Colorado, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences 2 University of Colorado, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences 3 MeteoSwiss Characterizing and quantifying precipitation on temporal and spatial scales in mountainous regions is essential for better understanding...
