Interdisciplinary views of fNIRS: Current advancements, equity challenges, and an agenda for future needs of a diverse fNIRS research community

Interdisciplinary views of fNIRS: Current advancements, equity challenges, and an agenda for future needs of a diverse fNIRS research community Authors: Doherty, E. J., Spencer, C. A., Burnison, J., Ceko, M., Chin, J., Eloy, L., Haring, K., Kim, P., Pittman, D., Powers, S., Pugh, S. L., Roumis, D., Stephens, J.,...

Speaker Diarization in the Classroom: How Much Does Each Student Speak in Group Discussions?

Speaker Diarization in the Classroom: How Much Does Each Student Speak in Group Discussions? Authors: Wang, J., Dudy, Sh., He, X., Wang, Z., Southwell, R., and Whitehill, J. Publication Date: 07/2024 Publication Type: Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM 2024)

Propositional Extraction from Natural Speech in Small Group Collaborative Tasks

Propositional Extraction from Natural Speech in Small Group Collaborative Tasks Authors: Venkatesha, V., Chelle, A., Pustejovsky, J., Nath, A., Bradford, M., Blanchard, N., Khebour, I., Tu, J., and Krishnaswamy, N. Publication Date: 07/2024 Type: Conference Proceedings: Best Student Long Paper at the Educational Data Mining Conference 2024

Intentional Microgesture Recognition for Extended Human-Computer Interaction

Intentional Microgesture Recognition for Extended Human-Computer Interaction Authors: Kandi, C., Jung, C., Mannan, S., VanderHoeven, H., Meisman, Q., Krishnaswamy, N., and Blanchard, N. Publication Date: 2023 Type: Springer Nature Switzerland

Support Patterns in Classrooms Implementing a Computer Science and Physical Computing Curriculum

Support Patterns in Classrooms Implementing a Computer Science and Physical Computing Curriculum Authors: Hoang, N., Bush, J.B. and Dey, I. Publication Date: 2024 Type: Proceedings of the 55th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education V. 2

Toward the Validation of a Novel Measure of Individuals’ Influence During Team Collaborations

Toward the Validation of a Novel Measure of Individuals’ Influence During Team Collaborations Authors: Harrison, J., Gorman, J.C., Reitman, J. and D’Mello, S. Publication Date: 09/2023 Type: Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting

Dynamical Measurement of Team Resilience

Dynamical Measurement of Team Resilience Authors: Grimm, D.A.P., Gorman, J.C., Cooke, N.J., Demir, M., McNeese, N.J. Publication Date: 2024 Type: Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making

A Survey of Challenges and Methods in the Computational Modeling of Multi-Party Dialog

A Survey of Challenges and Methods in the Computational Modeling of Multi-Party Dialog Authors: Ganesh, A., Palmer, M., and Kann, K. Publication Date: 2023 Type: Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on NLP for Conversational AI (NLP4ConvAI 2023)

Navigating Wanderland: Highlighting Off-Task Discussions in Classrooms

Navigating Wanderland: Highlighting Off-Task Discussions in Classrooms Authors: Ganesh, A., Chang, M.A., Dickler, R., Regan, M., Cai, J., Wright-Bettner, K., Pustejovsky, J., Martin, J., Flanigan, J., Palmer, M., and Kann, K. Publication Date: 2024 Type: Springer Nature Switzerland

Using Adapted Conjecture Maps to Foster Interdisciplinary Collaboration Between Learning Scientists and Novice AI-Ed Researchers

Using Adapted Conjecture Maps to Foster Interdisciplinary Collaboration Between Learning Scientists and Novice AI-Ed Researchers Authors: Chang, M.A., Roschelle, J.,Dickler-Mann, R., Bush, J.B. Publication Date: 2024 Type: Proceedings of the International Society of the Learning Sciences (ICLS) 2024
