Please see the full solicitation for complete information about the funding opportunity. Below is a summary assembled by the Research & Innovation Office (RIO).

Program SummaryÌý

This opportunity addresses priorities in the following Areas of Interest:

  • Area of Interest 1: Hydropower Operational Flexibility
  • Area of Interest 1a: Quantify Hydropower Capabilities for Operational Flexibility
  • Area of Interest 1b: Operation Strategies for Increasing Hydropower Flexibility
  • Area of Interest 2: Low-Head Hydropower and In-Stream Hydrokinetic Technologies
  • Area of Interest 2a: Modular Technologies for Low-Head Hydropower Applications
  • Area of Interest 2b: Modular Technologies for River Current Energy Converter Applications
  • Area of Interest 3: Advancing Wave Energy Device Design
  • Area of Interest 4: Marine Energy Centers Research Infrastructure Upgrades

Please note that the only limited submission opportunity is Area of Interest 3, so the other areas of interest will not be included in ²ÊÃñ±¦µä’s limited submission process.

Area of Interest 3 will focus on projects to advance the design of MHK systems and devices capable of being tested at an open-water testing facility.

Specifically Not of Interest for Area of Interest 3 include:

  • Applications that do not include grid connection requirements in their proposed design
  • Open water testing activities
  • Applications that propose to design devices that are not intended for testing and grid connection at PacWave-South test site


CU Internal Deadline: 11:59pm MST April 25, 2019

Sponsor Concept Paper Deadline: 3:00pm MT May 13, 2019

Sponsor Full Proposal Deadline: 3:00pm MT July 9, 2019

Internal Application Requirements (all in PDF format)

  • Concept Paper (3 pages maximum): Please include the following: project title, area of interest, key team members (including roles/responsibilities and qualifications, experience, and capabilities), and a technical description and impacts (including proposed work, how work is innovative and unique, target level of performance, current state-of-the-art in relevant field, how the proposed work will overcome current shortcomings/limitations/challenges, potential impact of proposed project, key technical risks, and impact of EERE funding on proposed project).
  • Budget Overview (1 page maximum): A basic budget outlining project costs is sufficient; detailed OCG budgets are not required. Please include the source of the required 20% cost share.

To access the online application, visit:


EERE will accept only new applications under this FOA. EERE will not consider applications for renewals of existing EERE-funded awards through this FOA.

Only applications who have submitted an eligible Concept Paper will be eligible to submit a Full Application.

Limited Submission Guidelines

For Area of Interest 3, an entity may only submit one Concept Paper and one Full Application.

Award Information

Area of Interest 3: Advancing Wave Energy Device Design

Award Amount: Up to $1.8 million

Award Duration: 18 months

Estimated Number of Awards: up to 4

Required Cost Share: The cost share must be at least 20% of the total allowable costs and must come from non-federal sources unless otherwise allowed by law.