CU Science Discovery’s school-based STEM Workshops are full-day (5-hour) STEM immersion programs that can be delivered in two ways:

  • At your school for up to three 4th-8th grade classrooms per day
  • For up to 21 district teams (consisting of one teacher and five students) with the help of a local coordinator

STEM Workshops feature an introduction, three 75-minute classes focused on a specific theme or content area, and a program wrap-up.

These programs are designed to:

  • Provide a full-day of engaging hands-on STEM learning and activities
  • Explore relevant science, engineering or pedagogical themes
  • Develop science, engineering and innovation process skills
  • ​Share cutting-edge science from the ²ÊÃñ±¦µä

Contact us directly for pricing. Grant and scholarship opportunities available for some workshops. Additional travel and logistical fees apply for schools outside the Denver metro area. A general overview of program logistics is below:

Program logistics: 

  • STEM Workshops can accommodate one to three full classes (up to 90 students).
  • The CU Science Discovery team will arrive at your school the evening before, or early the morning of programs, to set up an extensive set of teaching materials.
  • The workshop can run in a single, or multiple classrooms depending on the number of learners.
  • Ideally, two and three-class workshops will have access to an auditorium or multipurpose room for large group introduction and wrap-up activities.
  • Programming can accommodate full-day and period-based schedules with three 45-75 minute classes.
  • Sample Schedule (75-minute classes):
    • 9-9:30am: Introduction
    • 9:45-11am: Class One
    • 11-11:45am: Lunch
    • 11:45am-1pm: Class Two
    • 1:15-2:30pm: Class Three
    • 2:30-3pm: Wrap-Up

Current STEM Workshop topics include: 

Questions? Please contact Scott Sieke via email or complete this to receive more information:Â