Published: Dec. 7, 2017

The continuous response of positivity and enthusiasm around our new multi-year initiative, , has been outstanding. I’m happy to see the Division come together to find new ways of holistically supporting our students and working to collaborate with greater efficiency and fluidity.

One major aspect of the initiative included a  around three key areas of student support – Health & Wellness, Student Engagement and Student Support & Development. With this, the Dean of Students position is no longer combined with the Associate Vice Chancellor position. In looking at how we can better support high risk students, the separation of the two positions ensures that the Dean of Students will have more bandwidth to attend the needs of high risk students, serve in a triage role in crisis, and speak as an advocate for students.

We are currently conducting a , and until our new Dean of Students is hired, Andrea Zelinko will fill the role of interim Dean of Students.  Andrea is currently the Director of the University Memorial Center (UMC) and was selected to serve as interim because of her understanding of students and student issues, her strong ability to triage and manage crisis, and her knowledge of ²ÊÃñ±¦µä campus policy. While Andrea is filling the Dean of Students role, Jimmie Baker will act as interim Director for the UMC. Jimmie is currently the Senior Associate Director for Operations and Services for the UMC. 

I am proud of the Division and grateful for the ability of our team to pull together and fill roles as needed. The flexibility of our staff to jump into new areas and continue to serve our students with top-level service is much appreciated.

Christina Gonzales