Development of Next-Generation Transportation Construction Management

The Next-Generation Transportation Construction Management (TCM) program has a development history that includes important information on how this study came to be and how it has evolved since its initial inception in 2004. The initial study was an FHWA funded program that included an international scan and the creation of the TCM Steering Group.

What is the Transportation Construction Management Steering Group?

The TCM Steering Group represented a group of AASHTO, FHWA, academia and industry representatives who wanted to improve transportation construction management procedures. ​This group was formed to prioritize new implementation techniques, coordinate with other industry associations, designate lead States for USDOT Logoimplementation efforts, and assist these States in developing guidelines, training programs, presentations, and information exchange programs. The TCM is an outgrowth of the 2004 FHWA International SCAN of Construction Management Practices in Canada and Europe.

For the purpose of defining our scope and focusing our mission, the TCM developed the following definition to describe the broad nature of transportation construction management programs and to capture the evolving role of the transportation construction manager:

What is Construction Management?

The Construction Management Association of America (CMAA) defines construction management as "...a professional management practice consisting of an array of services applied to construction projects and programs through the planning, design, construction and post construction phases for the purpose of achieving project objectives including the management of quality, cost, time and scope."

"Construction Management is the totality of activities that address the managerial and technological aspects of highway construction, conducted during the planning, design, construction and post-construction phases of a project, for the purpose of achieving scope, quality level, cost, schedule and other project performance objectives."

What are the TCM's major emphasis areas?

The following are some of the major emphasis areas of the TCM. Some activities are direct recommendations from the 2004 Construction Management SCAN; other activities and emphasis areas will be added as time and resources permit to reflect current construction management needs.


  • Share effective quality management systems and procedures that are used in conjunction with the traditional design-bid-build delivery system,
  • Examine and share information regarding alternate quality management systems associated with non-traditional delivery systems (design-build, PPP, etc.),
  • Recommend procedures for improving constructability reviews and implementation procedures in both traditional and non-traditional delivery systems,
  • Share information on new construction management technology that will improve the quality of the product,
  • Host an International Transportation Construction Management Conference, regional seminars, webinars as appropriate to share experiences.


  • Share information on new / emerging project delivery strategies such as design-build, public-private partnerships, construction manager at-risk, construction manager/general contractors, alliancing, early contractor involvement, etc.,
  • Share information on new construction management techniques that will improve the efficiency of delivering projects (accelerated bridge construction technology, prefabricated bridge elements, performance specifications, "green highways", contractor prequalification systems, etc.),
  • Perform case studies of new contract management techniques that will improve agency accountability and oversight including: web-based payroll compliance systems, web-based civil rights compliance systems, etc.

Risk Management

  • Continue to promote project risk management procedures using the TCM's "Guide to Risk Assessment and Allocation for Highway Construction Management", October 2006,
  • Continue to promote the TCM Risk Management Workshop that provides a case study approach for implementing risk management principles,
  • Share lessons learned, case studies, recent research findings, and other information related to risk management.