Published: June 15, 2017

From bringing a family recipe to thehot sauce market; to helping debut an all-female orchestra in Afghanistan; and normalizing the superfood of insects in the American diet, 񱦵 alumni are innovatingnear and far.

Superfood: Will Americans eat insects?

Though Americans may find the thought of eating insects unappetizing, 񱦵 alum Dave Baugh and twin brother Lars are aiming to normalize bugs in the American diet.

For years, the Taliban banned music in Afghanistan. Now the country's first dedicated music school has debuted an all-female orchestra, with 񱦵 music alumna and mentor Allegra Boggess to thank.

2 CU grads are cooking up Guatemalan hot sauce using family recipes

Cousins Juan and Charlie Stewart, both 񱦵 alumni, are carving out a space for themselves in the hot sauce market using Guatemalan family recipes and locally-sourced ingredients.