Published: Feb. 5, 2019

This spring, 񱦵 will see its first-ever comprehensive diversity, inclusion and equity plan delivered to the campus.

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ճRevising Committeefor the Inclusion, Diversity and Excellence in Academics (IDEA) Plan is working through over 50 submissions received online during the open feedback period, November–December,last fall, as well as feedback from 12 open town hall sessions.

“Our intent in revising is to expand the scope and effectiveness of the plan based on the feedback,” said Revision Committee Co-chair Daryl Maeda, associate dean for Student Success in the College of Arts and Sciences andan associate professor of ethnic studies.

“We want to emphasize this is not a process of softening, backing off of or compromising the recommendations in the plan. These are minor changes, clarificationsand additionstothe draft of the planthat are underway.” Maeda said.

Once this process is complete, the committee will submit its revised plan to Vice Chancellor for Diversity, Equity and Community Engagement Bob Boswell and the chancellor's cabinet for review with a targetcompletion dateof early spring 2019.

"The Revising Committee is very grateful for the engagement from units and individuals across campus for their input to the IDEA Plan. We’ve had greatconversations during our town halls and great written input, as well. We believe this plan will be an effective and inspiring blueprint for the campus in the years to come," said co-chair Merna Jacobsen,assistant vice chancellor and deputy chief HR officer anddirector oforganizational and employee development.

Maeda agreed.

"The IDEA Plan will be a transformative, living document for the entire campus that we believe will spur cultural change, help build an improved campus social climate, and provide a framework for permanently owning our commitments to diversity, inclusion and equity," he said.

The upcomingspring 2019 Diversity and Inclusion Summiton Tuesday, Feb. 12, will include a session titled CU Community Unplugged: IDEA Plan Edition which will offer individuals an opportunity to explore how to connect to the plan's goals and have a personal impact in Making Excellence Inclusive in their respective communities.