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Grade for Student Success: More efficient, effective grading in Canvas

Created by faculty peers to address grading challenges, Grade for Student Success is a faculty guide for using Canvas to enhance student learning while making grading more efficient and customizable.

As part of the Buff Undergraduate Success initiative, a working group of nine faculty members joined the Center for Teaching & Learning and Office of Information Technology to review problem statements from faculty and students about grading and to propose solutions.

This collaborative effort has resulted in the creation of 16 comprehensive guidelines, 14 video tutorials and 26 Canvas enhancement requests designed to improve the faculty and student experience with the Canvas gradebook.

What’s included in the Grade for Student Success resources

Learn how to set yourself and your students up for success by implementing faculty-recommended grading practices in five categories:

  • Developing your syllabus
  • Developing your Canvas courses
  • Setting up assignments in Canvas
  • Communicating with students about grades
  • Maintaining your Canvas courses throughout the semester

Browse the available resources to explore how you can use the Canvas gradebook to your advantage this year. Contact ctl@colorado.edu with questions or suggestions.

students on laptops