Tiny valleys near the top of Antarctica’s ice sheet reach temperatures of nearly minus 100 degrees Celsius, according to new research from the National Snow and Ice Data Center.
Wildfires can pollute streams and watersheds through the mobilization of sediments and other matter, straining the capabilities of downstream municipal treatment facilities.
Even after accounting for environmental factors like light exposure and work schedules, one's sleep-wake preference appears to mildly influence depression risk.
Opening on June 22, Art & Art History Professor George Rivera has organized an art exhibit at South Korea's DMZ Museum roughly three miles south of the North Korean border.
A new study sheds light on the genetic mechanisms that allowed sunflowers to undergo a relatively rapid evolutionary transition from wild to domesticated in just over 5,000 years.
Immunization with beneficial bacteria can have lasting anti-inflammatory effects on the brain and fend off physical and behavioral changes that can result from stress, according to new research.