In this public lecture, LASP planetary scientist Fran Bagenal will review the observations from New Horizon’s flyby of Ultima Thule (MU-69) and their implications for understanding our solar system.
Norlin Library will host an interactive event featuring the stories of students, staff, faculty and community members and impactful conversations on topics such as mental health, gender, sexuality, race and identity.
Two leading experts on intellectual property law will discuss implications not only for the seminal question of who can own an idea but also for the broader cultural debate around sex and gender roles.
Tickets for TEDxCU 2019 are available now! Are you interested in performing at the event? TEDxCU is looking for musicians, dancers, actors and more to perform. Get details.
In your campus role, do students ask you career-related questions? Would strengthening your knowledge around career exploration help you in your role? Consider the NCDA Facilitating Career Development Course.
This week an inflatable version of Go For It, a creation of the Chicago-based, internationally recognized artist Matthew Hoffman, is on display in the south quad of the Engineering Center.
Recreating the feeling of being an audience member in a coffee house in 18th century Germany and Syria, the March 4 program is sometimes concert, sometimes history lesson, sometimes adventure.
The award-winning actress of film, television and theater will speak at Macky Auditorium, hosted by the student-led Cultural Events Board and Distinguished Speakers Board.