Visioning Conversations

Summaries of Campus Themes

Below are the summaries of the fall themed conversations, along with the associated white papers.  Please keep in mind that these are simply roadmaps to help readers navigate all of the campus input we received.  They are not extensively word-smithed and are meant to be ‘living documents’ that will be added to over time.  You can still find the original input and data by looking at the “Community Input” to the right.

Open Forums

Meeting Minutes

Community Input

Read the community input collected from themed conversations in Fall of 2017.

The Latest Response Papers

Read the Comments on the Academic Futures Draft Report

Program for Writing & Rhetoric Presentations

Over the spring, undergraduate Program for Writing and Rhetoric students developed research support for the Academic Futures Committee. They looked at current educational research on their topic, evaluated peer institutions and model programs, identified metrics for success, assessed CU’s current assets, and made recommendations to the Committee. Their final products included a short presentation to the Committee.  

See Their Final Presentations

White Papers
