Research Resource

  • Software for writing a paper or a proposal
    • To write a paper or a proposal, use Lyx
      • Learn a little bit Latex basics. A good reference is "A guide to Latex2e" by Kopka and Daly.
      • Learn a little bit how to use Latex to write formula
      •  to write papers.
        • ʰDz:
          • You can see the formula that you write and you can write the formula as easy as in Latex
          • As easy as Latex for reference and graphics inclusion
          • You can export *.lyx file to a *.tex
      • Wirte paper use the right environments
        • For a template of a IEEE Journal or Conference paper, in lyx, click File-New from Templates and choose IEEEtran-Journal.lyx or IEEEtran-Conference.lyx.
        • For a template of a NSF proposal, click .
      • Insert Pictures (*.eps)
      • Insert citations
      • export the file to *.pdf
      • The PDF viewer should be set to Sumatra PDF for convenience. Goto  and search "Sumatra" for set up instructions.
    • To prepare bib files for references
      • Bib files contains text database entry for your reference
      • Use  to automatically download reference and generate bib files.
    • To generate vector/EPS figures
      • Powerpoint to draw a diagram.
        • You may copy from a ppt and paste it in lyx. An emf file will be automatically generated.
        • Install “Metafile to EPS Converter” app/printer from
        • Method 1
          • Open the app
          • Select the diagram in power point and copy it
          • In Metafile to EPS Converter app, click Paste button
          • Click the Export EPS button.
        • Method 2
          • Select the diagram in power point and right click mouse when you see "+" sign, select "Save as Picture...", choose the .emf file format to save.
          • Open the app Metafile to EPS Converter and open the emf file created above
          • Click Export EPS button.
      • Use Onenote to draw a diagram
        • To save the drawing in vector graphics, do the following.
          • In Onenote 2016, not Onenote for Windows (which will copy anything as a bitmap), open the notebook, select and copy the drawing
          • Paste it to "Metafile to EPS Converter" or "InkScape," from which you can save as eps or other vector graphic formats.
      • Matlab to draw figures
        • Save .fig file for future manipulation.
        • In a Figure window, select file-export-save as type-EPS color file.
  • Latex tips
    • To make wrapfigure work with itemized environment, put the wrapfigure before the environment, followed by \paragraph{} \vspace*{-2\baselineskip}. Inside wrapfigure, use \vspace*{-3\baselineskip} at the bottom to get rid of extra space at the bottom of the figure when wrapping. This is the most elegant solution found online.
    • To use latex equations, etc., in ppt, use to include latex code. The code can be edited anytime. You may also ungroup the object and use animation to make the text appear letter by letter.
  • Use  to do version control in order to collaborate on papers or proposals.
  • Powerpoint to write slides. If you feel the equation editor in Powerpoint is not good enough for you, you are writing too many equations for the audience to digest.
  • Writing webpages: use Google Doc or MS Word and save as html.
  • Instantly backup all your files to your identikey Google account using a Google drive client on your computer. The Google drive storage is unlimited.
  • How to avoid loops in Matlab or Python
    • We often sum multiplicative terms over indexes.
      • Different terms with common indexes should be implemented by the component-wise array multiplication.
      • Different terms with different indexes should be implemented by the Kronecker product or by the broadcasting rule in the component-wise array multiplication.
      • Then, use sum() over the desired demensions.
      • Perform sum() as soon as the indexes do not appear later.
    • In Python, calling methods takes 50% less time than calling the equivalent functions, based on a limited test.