Check Review Status

Once you have sent in a submission for review, you may check on the status in eRA at any time. The listed status in eRA is the most recent action performed on the study file. To check the status of any review:

  1. Go to 
  2. From the dropdown, select Boulder.
  3. Login with your username and password. (Upon successful login, the My Open Actions screen will appear.)
  4. Click Human Subjects in the menu on the left, then click Show/List. (The screen will refresh and a new window will open with a list of your protocols.)
  5. Click the folder icon to open the desired protocol. (A new window will open to the Submissions screen.)
  6. In the Submissions table, locate the desired submission. The current status will be listed in the Determination column.

Possible statuses and their respective descriptions are listed below:

ApprovedSubmission has been approved by the IRB. 
Awaiting Faculty Advisor ReviewYou are waiting for your faculty advisor to review and either approve or disapprove your submission.
CompletedSubmission has been reviewed, and Principal Investigator (PI) has been notified.
DeferredThe submission was reviewed and the IRB panel requests more information. A response is required. The response submission will be reveiwed at a later convened meeting.
DisapprovedThe submission has been denied by a convened IRB panel. 
ExemptSubmission has received by the IRB.
In DevelopmentYou are working on a submission and it has not been sent to the IRB.
IncompleteThe submission is incomplete. A response is required.
IRB CoordinatorThe submission is with a reviewer but a decision has not yet been made.
IRB IntakeThe submission has successfully been sent to the IRB and is awaiting review.
Modifications RequiredThe submission required modifications before the review may continue. A response is required.
Pending ReviewThe submission is with a reviewer but a decision has not yet been made.
Scheduled for XXX ReviewSubmission has been scheduled for a specific type of review.

A downloadable tutorial of this process is also available for your convenience.

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